
What would you do if you had a psycho ex bf and u had moved on with ur life but he has got a new girlfriend?

by Guest62056  |  earlier

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and you want to tel the new lovely awesome girlfriend how pyscho is really is but how do you? imagine ur married now and have moved on totally and you dont want to sound like his pyscho ex but just want to warn her of what he is like. He stalked three girls and he used to hit me all the time and say i would go to h**l if i didnt go to church with him etc....and that if i ever left him he would kill himself etc and when i did he threatened to kill me and then i met my husband and he used to text call and abuse us saying he was going to kill i tel her this? or do i let her find out the hard way? i dont want this on my shoulders anymore...




  1. I had a psycho ex...and the next girl wound up in a mental institution from his damage. I had tried to warn her. I ended looking as if I was the jealous ex-girlfriend.

    What I learned:

    psycho stalkers seem to get right back into relationships with sucker girls.

    the ex girlfriend could warn the next victim, but ends up looking foolish and envious

    years later...the ex girlfriend was right...

    the new girlfriend thinks she is special, and that he only acted that way because the other girls were lame...or whatever.

    the new girlfriend won't listen to the old girlfriend.

    There's nothing you can do about it other than a warning what will just fall on deaf ears, and that's it. It's not on your shoulders, you have your own life to live.

  2. wtf? Tell her!! Wouldnt you have wanted someone to warn you when you first started seeing him? I dont know how much of a difference it will make if they are in serious relationship but atleast call/ email her and let her know that you care about her, not him, and that you just want to let her know about a few things that pushed you away. Im sure she will appreciate it in the long run because she will experience it sooner or later if she hasnt already

  3. Don't tell her... that just makes you sound like the psycho.  She will learn soon enough... then you can tell her... but if you do now, you not only look like the psycho, but also like you are meddling into their relationship.  Just let it go...

    And you never know, he could have changed... unlikely, but maybe...


  4. I would let her find out herself how psycho he is!

  5. stay out of it ... the new girl wont realise till she experiences it and u may fall in a mess by reveiling yr identity in front of that girl

    if u really want to warn her then just give a call from some pco on her mobile fone and let her know abt it

    but generally stay out of it

  6. did he ever kill anyone?  been to jail for assault etc?  if no, then you should stay out of it.  you once found him to be someone you liked in your life didnt you?  what does that say about you? okay

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