
What would you do if you had a time machine?

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What would you do if you had a time machine?




  1. Go back to the Victorian Times ;))))

  2. I would go back to all the bad things in my life and set them right;)

  3. break it xD

  4. There are so many events in history I would have liked to witness.  I think sometimes history gets tainted when it's only written by one side.

    I would like to visit Colonial America (the 1700s) and see the signing of the Declaration of Independence.  I would also like to visit with my grandparents.  I never met them and it would be great to understand why they made some of the choices they did.

  5. Oh man, the first thing I would do is to travel back to the time of Christ and watch the crucifixion. I would show up two days ahead of time and stick around to watch the reaction of the people to His resurrection.

    Over 300 people saw Him after He arose and I would love to have been there. That would be my first trip.

    My second choice of a time travel trip would be back to when I was about 6 years old. I would love to take a look at our old black and white TV again and turn it on to watch a few TV shows. The Lone Ranger, Superman, Commando Cody, Captain Midnight, Sky King and who can forget Howdy Doody?

    I would love to go uptown and see what the city looked like back then.

    I would also love to go visit my old school teachers. That first grade teacher was mean and nasty. She looked like she sucked on lemons everyday.

    Memories, that's all they are now. But I can still imagine.


  6. I would definately not have told my ex I was pregnant then I would not have to had deal with him this long!!!!

  7. I would visit my realtives who died, then go back and trace my family all the way back to caveman times and see my anscestors.

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