
What would you do if you had the power to turn anything into marshmallow?

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lol...brilliant ideas people




  1. I would start liking mushrooms if I could turn them into marshmallows.

  2. I will not turn everything to marshmallows. Life has many things to offer both sufferings & joys are enjoyable.

  3. i would sit in art class and turn everything i made and in the room into a marshmallow so we woulnt have to do anythng

  4. Honestly, i would do that. I would be a Juggernaut at war. *Pondering* being, able to turn all weapons of destruction into useless puff cubes. Only harm out of it is obtaining diabetes. :)

  5. I would turn all my enemies into marshmallows! That would be cool.

  6. first i would turn my brother into a marshmellowww and ........................................... put put him into the microwave between two toasty grams ans a nice big ol' slab of CHOCAA

  7. I would turn all bullets into marshmellows. Think of being shot with a puff of sugar :)

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