
What would you do if you just found out you were related......?

by  |  earlier

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to your least favourite footballer?

I'd deny it, pretend it wasn't true, and never speak if it again.

FQ: Is anyone related to a footballer?

I don't think I'm related to any, but I am related to several baseballers.




  1. i will use him and squeeaze every penny out of him..


    kiddin kiddin

    But what i would do, is use his "popularity" to hook me up with Free matches, CL tickets.. autographs. .etc  the whole works

  2. dunno what i'd do if i materrazi turns out related..beat him up probbly.  

  3. hmmm....i'd apologize for wishing they'd fall down the stairs and break something.

    on the other hand, if i found out i was related to pirlo, i'd feel disgusted with myself for thinking naughty thoughts about a relative =/

  4. yeah.. cool.

  5. I'd laugh so hard if your were related to Materazzi!!

  6. haha loll well i would think abt it! mmm

    yea my sis husband is a footballer!

  7. If I found out Ronaldo and I were related I would come to him and scream: Sister! So he gives me cash. And I'd do my best not to touch him or ever be seen talking to him so I dont get to be thought of as a L*****n. Then I hire a hitman so he beats the living c**p out of him. With the money he gave me. Then run away and all my Life deny I ever saw him, talked to him or was related to him...Ever.  

  8. if i found out i was related to c.ronaldo try and get tickets of him for an arsenal match and maybe ask for money and for cesc's contact number ;)

    FQ - i wish... haha

  9. LMFAO Id laugh with ya Freshy haha

    Hmm if I was related to C Ronaldo I would try to get some money and move to Chicago. Honest answer.

    No relations for me tho.

  10. I am related to back-yard, picnic playing footballers.

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