
What would you do if you knew the agency that you were working with was coercing the natural parents?

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What would you do if you knew the agency that you were working with was coercing the natural parents?




  1. I would only deal with an agency (um I am not even dealing with an agency, we are adopting older children) but if we did we woudl ensure the agency involved allowed us to meet the birth parent.  There is no way to know but to talk to the natural parents yourself, this protects the bio parents but to be honest then you can get a better sense if there is any hesitation and if there is even a morsel I woujdl not move forward for my own self-protection.

  2. Change agencies and tell them why.  Also report them to every organization you can think of.

  3. Souds like you are the adoptive parent?  I'd definately report them and change agencies.  I know you are probably torn, as you want to adopt, but do you want to adopt under those circumstances?  If there is a possibility that the birth mother is going to want to keep her child, you have to back out of it now and save yourself some future heartache and agonizing over the situation.  What a horrible agency to put all of you in that situation.  

    Best of luck in your efforts.

  4. Keep the enemy closer than my friend. I would record as much information as possible, make copies of documentation and make sure I've built up a really good case to take to court. Thanks for the idea.

    FYI, the Better Business Bureau is a modern day mofia. The organizations who pay dues to them never are given bad reports. They company is given a chance to rectify, bribe and sweep things under the carpet. Any organization that doesn't pay dues to the BBB, gets reported and run into the ground.

  5. Report them to the state agency that oversees their license, not the BBB.  Then change agency's.

  6. I am not a fan in general of private adoptions, partially for this reason.  So, I wouldn't use them to begin with.  

    But, if I was going through an agency, I would certainly stop using them if I found out.  I would also sue to get back any money I had paid and report their actions to the authorities.

  7. Report the agency with the evidence to the state attorney general's office for investigation. Then look for a new job.

  8. I agree with Sparkles. If you have proof give it to them.

  9. shut that agency down!! Picket infront of them day and night and tell everyone just how unethical they ARE!

  10. I honestly do not know.  

    My first thought was that if an agency was stupid enough to show that side of them, I'd be afraid that they were doing other things that were illegal/immoral and run as far as I could so that the adoption could not be overturned in the future.  

    But I honestly don't know what I would do.  Probably just sit & cry for all parties involved.

  11. i'd picket like a pro-life activist out front of an abortion clinic!

  12. Call the local news and turn over any evidence i had to ruin their reputations and warn bmothers and aparents.

  13. I would contact the better business bureau without letting them know exactly who you are since you might be risking your job.

  14. Find a different agency. This one could lead to legal troubles.

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