
What would you do if you knew this is the last day of your life?

by Guest33776  |  earlier

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What would you do if you knew this is the last day of your life?




  1. Just live the day.

  2. I'd be jumping up and down, praising Jesus in a good Holy Ghost dance !  Halleluiah !!!

  3. Get very drunk.

  4. Finish my writing.  

  5. clean up any mess i might leave behind.

    my life is such a mess, i may never die.

  6. i'd spend it at his house . . with him .. and not even tell him it'd be the last day I'd see him . . don't know why .  

  7. just live.  

  8. Wake up Peace, Love and Blessings!

  9. Everyday is last day for me.

    We never know when we will die, but we'll die definitely. Today will be passed away, tomorrow will come & perished. Thus, everyday is last day

  10. Visit a national forest or park....walk around a bit, enjoy the day with some kind of natural wonder....I wouldn't have a need to share it with anyone else - it would only cause hurtful feelings for everyone involved...they could cry after I was gone and I would not want to be there to see them hurting since I could not give them any I would keep it to myself and maybe enjoy one last peaceful day....

  11. Drink, drugs and rock and roll.

  12. Start smoking again.

  13. Do anything that you were afraid of and anything that you wanted to do!

  14. I would relax and reflect. I'll meet you in heaven.

  15. Spend it with her.

  16. just live, like the other two said

  17. Complete the responsibilities. Bid good bye to people.Be an empty space for the Lord to enter and take you to a new life of His Will!

  18. Since my brother is the center of my universe, I would just want to sit back and relax and hang with him.

    And make good sweet love to my man

    And pray for all of my sins, and ask that God forgives me.  

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