
What would you do if you logged on to YA and saw that?

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Your mother in law had been asking 'questions' and giving answers that were blatently disrespecting you as a mother - if it was obvious it was about you and your family?




  1. I would be livid. And from these questions I have seen recently, I would cut off the contact to my children.

  2. I would tell her off and ask her how would she like it if I slagged her off to a bunch of strangers

  3. spill the beans!!!

  4. before or after i s**t myself?...............that would be quite spooky, i dont know wot i would do, probably change my account name to mother in laws suck or summet.

  5. I would be highly P O'd!!

    I would more than likely tell her exactly what I thought of her doing that and tell her to cram her holier than thou attitude.

  6. I would be livid. I probably wouldn't say anything to her at first, but slowly start using phrases she had used on here in conversation with her and watch as the penny dropped. I would then have as little to do with her as possible.

  7. i would give her a mouth full to her face x

  8. Ignore it.

  9. Id be livid! if i had a mother in law that is!

  10. Come on ... this is a person who makes no lie about despising her poor DIL  This poor DIL shops at Asda and buys clothes made of Teflon ...she want to take them abroad for a holiday and doesn't use the right sunscreen ..i think its a case that this MIL doesn't think this poor woman is GOOD enough for her son ...and i think he needs some balls and tell her to back off

  11. I would be furious. I would go round and 'fix' her computer

    Heather - I hope you are right, but shes been keeping this up for years. Why aint she bored by now lol

  12. id do the exact id put my question like my mother in law is a bit-h and she does this and that-youd know things only her and you know-lol and id start attention that way-the find someone to answer her questions about why you talk about her like this so its not your id- give me her details i,ll sort her out -im seriouse-and then you can get good laugh at least-take it in ur stride but me-personally id definite get her back but not viciously but to make her feel like s**+-t send me her details plz...And some things about her and bingo i,ll have her-as i said not evil but enough for her to freak out-i have many yahoo ID,s.......good luck or throw her in the wheelie bin take picture put it on you tube-lol

  13. Depends on the relationship between myself and MIL. If it's one of good open communication, I may be inclined to ask if this is directed at me. Then I would listen openly to the answer.

    After which I would explain how this makes me feel. I would also ask her why she feels she needs to bring her feelings about me and my family out into a such a public forum.

    The important thing to do is to find out if it was indeed her and why. Then open a dialog for understanding.

    To do anything less only builds animosity and disrespect.

  14. I think you are referring to a particular individual on here.

    I've looked back over her questions this evening and I've reached the conclusion this person is not real.  The questions are so blatantly OTT, condescending and critical towards the daughter-in-law that they just cannot be real.  The things she rants on about and the venom in the questions leads me to believe it is someone having a bit of fun.  

    I honestly think they have created the character 'Joan' just to get the reactions that she does.  The questions always cause people to be outraged and yet still she posts them - has to be a joke.

  15. Don't forget, your mother in law is also a mother.  She has her own ideas on parenting, some of them are probably a lot different than current parenting philosopy.  However, she must have done a decent job as a parent because she raised the guy you fell in love with and if her parenting skills weren't good enough your husband probably wouldn't be your husband.

    Sometimes mothers in law tend to meddle, whether is is unintentional or not its just something we have to live with.  Maybe it will help you become a better mother in law some day in the future.

  16. I'd rip her friggin t!ts off.What an interfering old bat *she* is!

  17. I feel sorry for the son as well

    he has to choose between his mother and his wife

  18. I'd post how I was going to put a restraining order on her and print out all of her answers to use in court.

  19. I know exactly who you are talking about and she really really makes me so cross.......... I can't believe how much she disrespects her DIL.

  20. This is a tough one, does she mention names?  I'm a bit lost when you said that she is dead, do you mean to you she is dead, or she really has died?

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