
What would you do if you looked in a mirror and your reflection talked?

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What would you do if you looked in a mirror and your reflection talked?




  1. then i'd b talkin'

  2. think: "hmmm. when did that mirror become transparent glass and where did my identicle twin come from?'

    then i'd strike up a conversation with my twin and uncover a conspiracy to hide various twin members of my family.

  3. I would be creeped out and say that they looked beautiful and then start a conversation!!!

  4. well did you tslk to your self in front of a mirror and wondered if you were going crazy or somthin

  5. I would ask him a few questions

    1) How is he doing on the other side ?

    2) Is he more successful than me ?

  6. Depends on what she said.....for some reason I imagine she'd insult me or harsh to me.xD

  7. Find the nearest Mental Hospital.

  8. say thank you, i know i look good today.

  9. well if you weren't saying anything and it talked i would probally break the mirror

  10. run and scream, and nobody would believe me?

  11. scream "DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (cuz of the movie Mirrors)

  12. i would be surprised then have a conversations with myself.

  13. cry

  14. scream so loud that i'd shatter the glass and then maybe my reflection would go away...

  15. i'd be like WTF!!!

  16. p**p on myself

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