
What would you do if you recieved this letter from a "friend" that doesn't return all of your messages

by  |  earlier

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or takes a long time to do so. And you have asked them about it. You think she's probably lying but why? She sent the following 10 days after your letter of apology about what you might have done and what did you do:


There is nothing wrong!!! Did you get my last message?

My phone fell into a cup of liquid and I lost it forever and all the numbers. I haven't been able to get a hold of anyone since I don't have the internet where I'm staying down here.

I really want to have you come to my going away party. I really wanna visit you.

You are a close friend of mine and nothing would hange that. I'm not upset about anything. Give me a call so I can have your number.555-555-5555.




  1. She sounds pretty fake.

  2. i might ignored it...

    but if this friend is very important to you, you might wanna try call this person...

    but then you might wanna try calling this friend from a public phone first if you're not sure about it...

  3. why do you keep asking this question?

  4. Believe me that has happened to me.  Yes I did drop my phone in a sink and yes I could not get the numbers off of it.  Actually that has happened to a lot of my friends also.

    Well if that was my lover they would be dumped.  She could of gotten your phone number off of her voice mail.

    If that was just a close friend I would definitely be cool with it.

    But if lover h**l NO, there is no excuse not to call unless something serious has occurred like a bad accident, etc.

  5. sounds fine to me..

  6. your friend's message seems sincere to me

  7. 10 days after a letter is a long time to wait.  However, she IS contacting you back.  (Cell phone in the cup of liquid could really mean cell phone landed in the toilet... but she doesn't want you to think she is a moron.)  Go ahead and call her up.  Find out what is going on.

  8. Take them at their word.  Otherwise you're just acting insecure.

  9. I would call him. Even if he was blowing you off, he's obviously changed his mind.

    I wouldn't get involved in a serious relationship with anyone who called me Babe however. I think friends and bf's should remember ones name and use it. I've always told people who attempted to call me Babe that Babe was a blue ox owned by Paul Bunyan.

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