
What would you do if you saw this situation?

by  |  earlier

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I was out jogging very late one night (I am currently working graveyard shifts) and I saw five girls and boys, aged about 12-14, toilet papering a neighbors house. My issue is not that so much, as I used to do it as a kid too. My issue is, that all were naked. I just supposed that they were out having some adolescent fun. But as I got home, I wondered if I should have said something or at least asked the girls if they were ok.

What would you have done?




  1. Nothing, do you really expect anybody to believe that.

  2. The world is becoming a stranger place by the minute!

    If I were you (thx God I'm not, because graveyards give me the creeps) I would've yelled at them..

  3. Sounds like they were just out having a good time. I would applaud them for being confident enough to realize clothes are unnecessary in most situations.

  4. is this all u could come up with

  5. Besides feel a just a tad bit discusted that i had just seen a group of 12 year olds naked ??  

  6. I would have laughed and applauded those kids for breaking out of their neo-puritan upbringing.

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