
What would you do if you sold your "needy" friend your car at a steal, and he sells it for profit?

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What if your friend's car gets wrecked and he needs to get a ride real quick. You have two cars, so you sell him your '03 honda civic ex w/ 62k miles for $4,800 because he's needy and has been your friend since preschool. Do you think he's a douchebag for selling the car three weeks later for 10,000?




  1. I wouldn't do that again.  But angry?  No.  You just learned something about him, that's all.  And it's not necessarily something bad you've learned.

  2. Looks like he's a bigger entrepreneur and capitalist than you knew.

    And you have more attachment to the gift (or the giving) than you thought.

    Ouch! (yes)

    Douchbag! (no)

  3. Seems that you have lost the spirit of the gift.  If your friend was, as you say "needy" you should be happy you were able to help him improve his situation.  You did a good thing, selling the car to a friend in need.  If he was able to sell the car and get a little more, improve his situation as a result of your generosity, then be happy you were able to help.

    The friend was helped even more by your generosity.  Don't harbor any bitterness, be happy you helped.

    ADD:  Reminds me of an episode of MASH.  Charles gave some very expensive chocolates to an orphanaage for Christmas.  When he found out the man running the place had sold them, he was very angry.  The man explained that the chocolates were a very generous gift.  They woul dhave made the kids very happy for a short time.  But by selling them, he was able to buy rice, vegetables, and milk to last several months.  

    Maybe the friend was able to use the car to get himself out of a bigger bind than you realized.

    Thus sayeth Hawkeye.

  4. Your should of just rented to him.

    You shouldn't be that much of a friend to anyone. Sorry, but he got a 6200 dollar profit and all you get is 4800.

    Not a douche bag, your just a fool. Not an insult, and observation.

  5. You call this guy a friend? Are you sure he got $10k on a 6 year old civic. you should have loaned or rented this car.

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