
What would you do if you suddenly discovered you had telekinetic powers?

by  |  earlier

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Let's say you got into this wicked car accident, and you're in a full body cast for six weeks. You're unable to move from the neck down. During this time, you discover and exercise a newfound ability to move things with your mind.

After the six weeks, your telekinetic powers have grown stronger, and you're now able to use it to lift fairly heavy objects.

How will you use your powers after you've been released from the hospital? And will you tell anyone, or will you keep it a secret?




  1. I'd tell my closest friends and family and keep it from everyone else. All while dancing for joy. I'd love powers like that.

  2. i will levitate

  3. Unlike the folks who already are telekinetic.Or say they are anyway.I would use my powers to save lives and help people.I'd go to china and aid in rescuing earthquake victims.

  4. ...It will never be a good idea to tell anyone your secret...ANYONE!!!...I would just keep the secret to myself....and I would probably be using it for messing around with people...until they go insane...that is what I would do.......but now...that's just could also be abused...what if it fell into the hands of a serial killer, goth kids, emo kids, loners at school.....or worse nerds...that would be chaotic............

  5. i'd keep it a secret and move all the local ATM machines to my basement :D

  6. Not a chance I would tell anyone that wasn't close enough to notice. I don't trust the government enough to leave me alone as it is.

    As for what I would do with that specific power 'if' I had it, refer to the links below. I was 'watching' the landing were you..?

  7. I'd write a book about it. Sounds like a good story

  8. i'd make it so i wasn't paralized again (or at least make it seem that way). i would probably keep it a secret though. if people started asking me how i was walking, i would say i am part of some medical expirament involving fake nervezs or something. after that i would probably tell and get the mil they are offering for any proof of pk

  9. First thing is I'd grab my $1 million from James Randi, which would generate a lot of publicity buzz. Then I'd ride that wave to fame and massive fortune. Sure, I'd work with my fellow scientists and let them examine me for the good of mankind and all that, and I'd also make my psychokinetic services available for humanitarian purposes, but basically I'm in it for the money, baby!

  10. That's a good start to a short story, graphic novel, book, movie.

    I would love to have PK powers.  I'd make a killing in Vegas.  Once my financial future was secure I would have fun messing with my friends.  So of course I would keep it a secret.

  11. try to communicate with alien beings and see if I could have them appear in spaceships on my command.

  12. I would lift your skirt ~ hard to avoid such beauty and I wouldn't tell anyone !

  13. I'd use my telekinesis to propel my car to work each day and save some money!  Actually, I'd just get rich off my ability and just ride around in a limo, which I'd also propel with my superpowers.

  14. I would work with actual scientist (not magicians with no education or training in science) to attempt to understand the mechanism of the ability and it's possible applications (at least until the military locked me away).

    The links below would be my first 3 inquiries.

    Please be aware the skeptics are thumbs downing me in order to prevent people from seeing my answers and getting information in response to asked questions.


  15. I'd clean the house.

  16. Seriously. I would absolutely keep it a secret, and I would only use my powers for good. I would never hurt innocent people or use my powers carelessly. And, to be honest, I would use my powers as little as possible.


  17. I am sensing that this question is more than hypothetical? Did this happen to you?

    Me? I would write a screenplay and sell it to M. Night Shamalaya. He would know what to do.

    Also, you might consider taking james randi's million dollar prize

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