
What would you do if you think your techers a child molester?

by  |  earlier

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HELP! I really think he night be




  1. Run his name through the child molester site in your hometown. Go to police dept and investigate. Tell your mom or dad. Do your research before you go accusing people though.

  2. You "think" he might be? listen little girl, just because you have a problem with a teacher doesn't mean you have to go about trying to get him in trouble. Get a life you little brat.

  3. Why do you think he is a child molester? Give the reasons you think to a member of high authority like the head teacher and then see what happens. But if its just a feeling then just be wary around him but dont actually do anything about it because he could say its slander.

    Thats disgusting what he said buy you gotta make sure your friend aint lying and when your convinced she isn't tell your parents and they will get something done. But make sure your friend aint just annoyed because he gave her c**p grades or something.

  4. I had a teacher once who was very inappropriate around me and lots of other girls in junior high and he even tried to get me to go in a separate room with him alone. I refused and left the classroom and reported him. what does your teacher do that makes you feel like he is a child molester. Write down all the things that make you feel this way and then go to the principles office and drop it off for him/her to look over. They then will look into it and investigate your claims. It will be better if you have other witnesses to his inappropriate actions as well. Also tell your parents and if you are that uncomfortable around him there probably is a way they can change your teacher or substitute your work in an alternative way. Just remember it is very important to have some evidence to your claim as well. When I suspected my teacher I had alot of male student witnesses and other girls as well who saw the way the teacher acted and made passes at all the girls in my class.

  5. You'd want to have some pretty good evidence, because if you accuse someone of something like this and it's not true, his life will be ruined.  The stigma will stick to him even if he's innocent and I doubt any school would employ him again.

  6. OMG go staight to the school make a complaint demand that this matter b looked into b 4 ur child even goes back if ever try to change childs school u have every right if u have any doubt u must do something x

  7. without proof nobody will listen but call the principal with details of what really ahppened..

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