
What would you do if you were President?

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I would do two things:

First, all domestic affairs would be placed under the management of one department -- the Department Of A Housewife From Kansas Named Suzie.

Suzie, who is well-experienced in managing a household budget, would have sole authority to recommend to the President (me) which domestic-program funding requests should be approved -- and which should be denied.

Most of her recommendations, be warned, would be of the "No!" variety.

Second, all foreign affairs would also be placed under the management of a single department -- the Department Of A Couple Of Guys From New Jersey Named Vito And Vinnie.

That way, if some tinpot dictator like Chavez or Mugabe or Kim Jong-Il needed to be taken care of, I would convene a very brief meeting with Vito and Vinnie.

The meeting would conclude with Vito and Vinnie telling me, "Don't worry 'boudit, Boss. Just tell us where the scumbag is, and fuhgeddaboudit."

How about you?




  1. I would take from the rich and give to the poor with taxes that is .

  2. The things I would like to see:

    1. Health care for all citizens

    2. A crackdown on illegal immigration and the tightening of borders

    3. Limits on visas to relatives of government officials from countries that do not have democratic governments.

    4. Tax breaks for people who do not have children

    5. Tax breaks for money spent by individuals and corporations in America and on American products

    6. A law that requires all American souvenirs and flags sold on American soil be American-made.

    7. The abandoning of subsidies to farmers

    8. Promotion of public service

    9. Smaller army but better paid military

    10. US troops out of the middle east and a reduction of US troops in South Korea

         ( Koreans need to protect their own country)

    11. Reopening of US bases to accommodate troops coming home

    12. Better pay for teachers and refurbishing of schools

    13. Closing of Guantanamo and returning it to Cuba or renting it from Cuba

    14. Encourage more international exchange of students from America to abroad

    15. Support for alternative energy development

    16. Required Physical fitnese programs in schools

    17. and fifty zillion other things.


  3. make it legal to smoke pot and then spend most of every ones money on it

  4. I will be your "first man" .... anyone have anything bad to say about it ...."fuhgeddaboudit."

  5. I would stop this BS war on terror we have been running and start a REAL War on Terror!  I was opposed to putting our soldiers in Iraq - we should have been sending them to Iran!

    Get our people out of Iraq once that job has been cleaned up and go after REAL terrorists like HAMAS, Abu Sayyaf, Kashmiri rebels, Somali Islamists, Islamic Jihad, Chechen insurgents, the Darfur Janjaweed, the list goes on.

  6. Jenny you could never be president.  The press would cut you down like the woman you are.  Besides, no woman president would wear such a flamboyant shirt like you got on.  And look at your hair all down below you shoulders like a harlet!  OMG no way, you'd be best taking care of your kids!.

  7. First I would make it to where one person and their choice cabinet can not decide when we go to war or who get's to push the buttons for the nukes… That decision should belong to the people of America.

    I would have strong security here at home, with secure borders... I would do that with no fences, and set up guard stations every few miles so I can give people some descent jobs.

    I would reform the police departments to where they are more about keeping peace again, and do the best to do away with the us & them mentality, and employ soldiers to stand guard at various places & neighborhoods that need protection and homeland security.

    I would set up a duel Government that is ran by both sides "So they have to work together" Democrats & republicans, and party boundaries would be no more...

    I would need a large team of people to investigate capitalist corruption, and free up the media and the press... What we have today is in need of overhauling and a joke Cuba's and China's media is becoming better then ours here.

    We would still have taxes, but nothing that makes your eyes tear up or your jaw drop when you get your paycheck.

    There is tons & tons of simple curtsy jobs that we could create in this country...

    I would amp up food production such as fruit trees where the grass is, wheat and corn, and NOT burn it away in our fuel tanks. The more natural food sources we have… fewer people will ever go hungry. Battery & hydrogen powered cars sounds more reasonable yet we still need to drill for American oil... We need to start coming up with simple designs to buildings & housing with architecture that will incorporate nature in with everything... I don't believe in cutting down all the trees, they filter the air naturally. If we keep building at the pace that we are one day we will look around and wonder where all of the animals, food, and forest have gone.

    Neighborhoods, cities, houses, highways & streets should be built with organization, not just here there and everywhere…

    I would keep the military strong yet instead of marching into other countries we will just remove the problem from power... usually that is just one crazy dictator with a big mouth and silly ideas to take over the world.

    I wouldn't let scientist be so silly to think that they can re-create dinosaurs, clone people, or bang some particles together to try and create a super so called god particle... that could rip a hole in the universe. There are just some things that we were not meant to do for very very very good reasons. They can go pull that mess off in another country.

    College & job training would be free for everyone... There is no need to make second education so expensive for everyone. That is what helps keep the rich rich, and the poor poor.

  8. That's cute! Hmmm, who would be a good Press Secretary?

  9. Fak the world i would make a bank account get money for me and all fak the world

  10. if you could run, you'd have my support

  11. I'd fire every federal employee! The savings would be enormous! No pensions for them afterward either! Even more savings! When you have no federal employees you can't go to war, again more savings! With no federal employees you can't tax the people, and when you don't tax the people they love you! Now if we could do the same for Congress and the Scotus, the savings would be unimaginable!

  12. I would ask the US Congress to pass a legislature to require all public schools to teach moral philosophy, geography, and one of the following languages as the second language: Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, or French. America's largest trade partners are Japan, Germany, and China. America's rivalries, if not enemies, are Russia and China. South America has nothing to do with the US politically or economically. Americans have the world's highest crime rate and they lack the world knowledge to make them survive in the era of economic globalization. The US education system has been the biggest joke of the world. I myself wasted my mom's money and my time in America in the 90's.

  13. I would build the fence on our southern border and put our National Guard on all our borders. Deport all illegal immigrants. Thoroughly screen and do background checks on all legal immigrants but process them faster. Make English the official language. Limit foreign guest workers to 5000 a year and make sure they leave when they are done. Confiscate any business that employs an illegal immigrant, sell the business and put that money in a fund for Americans that are unemployed by outsourced jobs. Tax to the hilt any company that outsourcers their jobs to foreign countries. No anchor babies, if you are born here you will take the citizenship of the parents.

    I would make China and other companies that import their tainted goods to America, pay for however many people it takes to check their products before they could be put in our markets. Free Trade will be disposed of and Fair Trade put in place.

    Put the ACLU on the terrorist list and ban them from assaulting any children’s groups. Liberals would not be allowed to be teachers. Get rid of the teachers unions and fire any teacher that is incompetent. s*x education would include abstinence and the real disease statistics and what they do to the body. Both evolution and creation would be taught. Diversity could only be about culture not sexual confusion, as what you do in your bedroom should stay in your bedroom.

    Child molesters would get an automatic life sentence or death, their choice.

    Any and all aid would be cut off for countries that do not provide oversight and an accounting for how the funds were spent.

    No lobbyist. Every bill put before congress would have to be written in plain English so any citizen could understand it without the legal jargon that would confuse even lawyers.. Each bill would have to be clean without slipping in items that have nothing to do with the bill.

    No funding for special interest groups.

    Gee there is so much I just have to stop.

  14. You're better than the alternatives

  15. u must be the President of monkeys.

  16. I'll vote for you.

  17. Most of what Obama has planned.  Plus a few crazy things.  

    I'd transform more than half of the military into an international aid agency- eradicating the material causes of extreme poverty and disease wherever possible.  I'd force-develop next-generation  telepressence weapons (robot soldiers in a dozen sizes and configurations) and train gamer nerds to control them.  And I'd put them to use wherever the threat of genocide appeared.  I'd mothball or recycle older conventional weapons, giving allies as many pieces of hardware as they could stand.  I'd put NASA's science mission on a diet and add to its budget for the purpose of researching nuclear inter-planetary propulsion and either a space elevator or a laser-boosted mass driver.  I'd pump 100+100 billion dollars per year into studying the aging process and expand the NIH times ten in ten years.  I'd link federal funding for colleges and universities to how fast they produce researchers, engineers, doctors, etc for the needs of these projects. Essentially, it would be a quota system.  Students would know exactly what was needed and would be able to choose career paths accordingly.  I'd provide conditional universal health insurance for anyone willing to submit to government sanctioned lifestyle adjustments (exercise, quit smoking, healthy diet).  I'd institute universal drug testing but would not treat drug use as a criminal activity.  It would factor into eligibility for health insurance.  I'd simultaneously commute the sentences of millions of inmates serving time for possession, sending them into career training.  The requirements would be adjusted to a person's individual abilities so that anyone making a strong effort would be eligible.  I'd remove the rights of citizenship from corporations and require transparent accounting to a new government agency that would protect the privacy of those corporations.  I'd set in law the maximum ratio of pay between a CEO and his/her employees.  I'd place it at no more than 40.  I'd create a 10-year tax holiday (and other grants) for alternative energy research corporations.  I'd build Thorium nuclear plants.  I'd accept the Pickens plan and grant Federal easements for new power transmission lines.  I'd require reversible mandatory IUDs on all women seeking legal abortions.  I'd mesh legal child-support with income tax, removing access to deductions for deadbeats.  I'd create a ten-year plan to reverse-subsidize the production and importation of beef and other meats in favor of plant based protein.  I'd use all the money produced thereby to support the development of more efficient farming practices and the development of environmentally sound analogues.  Beef would always be available, but would gradually increase in cost.  I'd model national service training off of RPGs, granting citizens XP in exchange for completing training, missions, and projects in the service of their country.  Citizens would be able to "level" and gain access to higher levels of training.  Flying helicopters, for instance.  Service would be voluntary but would carry tax incentives.  Taxes would be higher than ever.  I'd maintain a budget deficit equal to the projected growth in the economy.  I'd institute a market-based universal bar-code-driven recycling incentive.  I'd favorably nationalize the national railroad system, renovate it with electric lines, and power the movement of freight using nuclear or renewable energy.

  18. You walked right into this lol

  19. Institute real democracy in America.

    By that I mean I change the day we vote to Saturday so everyone can go to the polls. Secondly, get rid of the electoral college. Third, set up a registry database based on social security number. If you are citizen, you can vote, period. Fourth, paper ballots, always. Optical readers are ok, computers are not, period. Fifth, television stations are not allowed to accept paid advertisements. Every political party who can get 10% of the vote is guaranteed a set amount of air time to express their views by law.

    Once Democracy is reinstated, I'll legalize and tax marijuana. Then I will remove all of our troops from Iraq. Then I will end the tax cap for SS for people who make over a certain amount of money.

    And with all the new tax money coming in, I'll guarantee free health care for all citizens. If someone wants to buy health insurance anyway they can, but it will never be a requirement to see a doctor.

    I will also rebuild our public transportation infrastructure. Put money into Amtrak, and encourage cities to build light-rail and subways.

    I would stop corporate loopholes. No more of this c**p about companies not paying their taxes. Severe consequences will follow for any corporate corruption.

    There is alot more I would do, but that would be a start.

  20. I would work to put the power back in the hands of the people. I'd spend billions of dollars setting up an interactive citizen infrastructure so that the American people could make a preliminary vote on any bill that goes before congress. So that Congress can really see where America stands. I'd work to educate Americans on the political process, and I would try to reduce the power and scope of the President of the United States of America, and give more power to the states, and communities.

  21. stop the war

  22. Our biggest problem is the deficit.  We spend too much and bring in too little. Every candidate wants to either tax the rich or cut Federal services.

    I would do neither.  I would stop sending billions of dollars to other countries.  Bush wants to send $1 billion dollars to Georgia. Why?  They started the war, they need to pay for their own repairs.  

    Egypt, Israel, Pakistan...billions sent to them every year. Cut them off!

    Pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Both wars cost the taxpayer billions.  

    Keep the money in America and stop giving money away.

    P.S. McCain was born in Panama, not the US. Some legal experts say he is not eligible to be president.  So far no person born outside of the US has ever been president.

  23. I would create the cabinet post of "Department of Naked Women", and its head would be required to bring me naked women for pleasure, when I needed them.

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