I would do two things:
First, all domestic affairs would be placed under the management of one department -- the Department Of A Housewife From Kansas Named Suzie.
Suzie, who is well-experienced in managing a household budget, would have sole authority to recommend to the President (me) which domestic-program funding requests should be approved -- and which should be denied.
Most of her recommendations, be warned, would be of the "No!" variety.
Second, all foreign affairs would also be placed under the management of a single department -- the Department Of A Couple Of Guys From New Jersey Named Vito And Vinnie.
That way, if some tinpot dictator like Chavez or Mugabe or Kim Jong-Il needed to be taken care of, I would convene a very brief meeting with Vito and Vinnie.
The meeting would conclude with Vito and Vinnie telling me, "Don't worry 'boudit, Boss. Just tell us where the scumbag is, and fuhgeddaboudit."
How about you?