
What would you do if you were a complete f-up?

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Apologies in advance for being long winded but as background I have a Masters Degree from a leading university (LSE fwiw) and was a national champion athlete during undergrad. My first job was with an investment bank for which I sold $7M in investments only to see the business collapse a year later with 95% in net losses. While was not charged or involved with any malfeasance, as a result I am essentially banned from working in the Investment Industry.

In 1998 I founded a "dot-com", raised $2M from friends and family but in hindsight blew this on bottom of the barrel staff whose respect for me is shown by their (accurate) web post about "looting the office" when the industry collapsed.

For the past 8 years I have lived hand to mouth allocating whatever money earned from day trading or consulting projects to resurrecting this business. Also I personally went into debt ($150K on credit cards, $100K to a 2nd mortgage, $5K to a friend and $75K to parents) to pay web development companies didn't produce even a demo site but essentially laugh when I threaten to sue them.

Most recently I've spent the last year alone in front of a computer learning how to code myself, however, now that I am arguably competent, various motivations requires I find some sort of "job".

Nonetheless, sending out my "real resume" has produced zero results in the past three months (50% "over-qualified", 50% "Your entire work history defines the term failure"). So today my mom visited with a help wanted page ripped from her small town newspaper and insisted on helping me dumb down my resume to high school drop-out status in order to apply for $14/hr entry level warehouse and cashier positions she'd circled (if I'm lying, I'm dying).

So my question is should I:

A.) Keep trying to sponge off of friends and family in hopes of someday finishing this website so that it can (hopefully) be stolen by VC's before it is copied by well funded competitors

B.) Iron my best AC/DC T-shirt and work hard at whatever entry level position I can get in hopes of impressing my single mom manager sufficiently that she invites me to bring a six pack (of boxed wine) to her trailer home on the first date I have had in approximately 4 years

C.) Start my own company (say domestic house cleaning?) and keep programming on the side, then when that proves disastrous go back to school to train to be oh, maybe a high school teacher?

D.) Learn from the fact that I have failed at everything I've touched of late and that my friends (of whom I have none) and family all would have been better off if I had died at birth and say walk into a hospital emergency room to put a bullet through my brains (thereby facilitating the harvesting of my organs for a donor program).

I'm looking mostly for just a poll of A,B,C,D answers so please save the moralizing and/or peppy aphorisms, experience has unshakeably taught me both that if a God does exist then he/she hates me and that it is NOT always darkest before the dawn.




  1. To answer your question...  you mean I'm not?!?!  LOL

    As for the rest of your rant... didn't read!  Too long!

    Short attention span.

  2. personally? C) at least that keeps you doing what you want to be doing that and it keeps you trucking along, i'll spare you my own little sob story and just say that while you still breathe you can still achieve your goals. if ya can't walk ya crawl if ya can't crawl hopefully you have someone to carry you for a bit, the moment you stop moving you die and yeah that's an option too but a rather final one

  3. B! after you have some money then try aspiring for something greater.  

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