
What would you do if you were babysitting, and?

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the mom was repeatedly late to pick up the kid?

I babysit for my SIL, and her shift is usually 5-9 at a restaraunt, which means they won't seat people in her section after 9, but if tables are already filled, she has to stay until her tables are done, and then she has about 30 - 45 minutes of sidework to do. But she should still be out of there between 10 - 10:30.

I live approx. 20 minutes from her work, but she won't show up to pick up her daughter until 11:30 and later. Last night, she showed up at 1:40 AM! So I have to wait up until she picks up her kid, but I have a 2-year-old who I still have to get up with in the morning.

She's supposed to pay me $20 a day, and she currently owes me $60 from a few weeks ago.

Would you charge her for overtime, or what? I don't feel comfortable refusing to babysit, because it's family, but I'm getting really, really annoyed.




  1. Have you discussed this with her yet?  If not, than let her know how you feel family or not.  I'm sure that you have your 2 yr old that keeps you going already.  And if this is in agreement, get something in writing that she agreed to pay you $20 a day, coz this can get a little sticky if you let it continue.  Family or not family...........  You're just being a softy if you don't talk to her, for you will be feeling like you're being used than, don't let it elevate any higher.

  2. I'd tell her if she can't be there by 11 to pick up her kids then you can no longer baby sit for her because you have a life too.

  3. Tell her you charge $5/hour for overtime after 11:30 pm and that it's that way or the high way.  I think she's taking advantage of you because you're family.

  4. Unless the back payments are paid, i would put a stop to babysitting... just tell her its not fair for you to do so many favors for her. She needs to pay you before you can watch her child again. Also, if she is late picking her child up set a rule that for every hour you will charge an extra $5 or something...

    you need to put your foot down, or she will continue to use you and abuse your services... good luck

  5. YES i would charge overtime if she got anyone elce to sit for her would thay put up with this no so why shoul you ?

    just sit her down and nicely tell her that you feal like she is tacking advantage make a agreement together that if she is later than  ?10.30/11 its an extra ?2.50.or 5 on hour

    if she used some cumpanys thay charge a late fee AND then a charge for every hour

    but be nice and say you enjoy spending time with said child and dont mind helping out BUT !!!!! GOOD LOCK

  6. As someone who knows the ins and outs of the restaurant industry, it's very odd that she knows what time she'll be done every night.  Shifts usually end when the "rush" is over and there's not really a way to predict when the "rush" will be over.  Yes, you can guess about what time you'll be done.  If she's guessing that she'll stop taking tables around 9- it might not happen until 930.  Say she gets a table at 925, they order apps, entrees, and desserts- she could be waiting on that table for an hour and a half.  Sidework can also take longer than 45 minutes... You might think she should be picking up her kid at 1030- but she might not actually be done until 1130.

    If the 140 am was a one time thing, she may have decided to stay and close (making more money).  Or maybe she went out for a drink after work.

    If you're annoyed- you need to say something.  She could have legit reasons....she could be taking advantage.  Either way, you need to say something.

    Instead of waiting up for her to get home, why don't you go to bed at your regular time (put her kid down for bed,'s not good for kids to be up that late) and have her give you a call when she leaves work?  No point in staying up and waiting when you could be sleeping.....

  7. Well to be honest if she hasn't been paying you anyway I don't see what good it will do to charge her overtime. Either refuse to babysit or have her call you if she's running really late and she can just pick up her kid first thing in the morning instead of expecting you to stay up all night waiting on her.

  8. Especially since she is family, you should be able to tell her how you feel.  And she should respect you.  I would tell her that she needs to come pick her child up right when she gets off work, if she's going to be late, atleast she could call you and let you know what is going on.  Tell her that you have your own child that you need to take care of and that you shouldn't have to stay up and wait for her.  Also, if she doesn't start paying you, why should you keep watching her kid? It's disrespectful.  She sounds like she's using you, so I wouldn't feel bad to refuse to babysit.......Good luck.

  9. You are in a pickle!

    It's tricky with family, but you shouldn't be used as a doormat. I would try and talk to her first about being late a lot, and she may have a decent excuse (one would hope). If that doesn't work you are going to have to put your foot down, as she wouldn't get away with this behavior if her child was at a day care center.

    I would charge her a late fee, and if she is still behind on paying you tell her you cannot watch the child until she catches up on her debt.

    Again, it's a bit complicated becuase she is family, and it may make her angry if you approach her about it. You have to decide what you are willing to put up with and what consequences your are willing to pay to stand up for yourself.

    I feel for you, it's a very tough situation, that doesn't seem to have a good solution.

  10. So let me get this right, you are at most making $3.33 an hour and you don't want to refuse to babysit for her anymore because she is family?  Sorry, but good ole SIL would need to find someone else if I were in your shoes.  She is taking advantage of you and you are letting her.  She will continue to do so until YOU put an end to it.

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