
What would you do if you were bullied, 10 year old asking the question?

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What would you do if you were bullied, 10 year old asking the question?




  1. hello im sorry that you are bullied, i was bullied at school and suffered in silence, as a result it did ruin my school years. I would suggest telling someone you trust about the situation for example a trusted teacher they will give you advice on where to go from here and also maybe a letter could be sent to the bullys parents, If your worried about the result of doing this ask to remain anonomus, im sure your not the only one that they are doing this to. Normally bullys are like this as they are being bullied themselves or have very low self esteem. Good luck hope this helps.

  2. talk to ur parents, and get them to sort it dont worry your are better than the bullies... !

  3. Show as much confidence as you can, don't hit anyone but let them believe u will if you have to. let them know that they don't bother you. The more you show it bothers you, the worse it will become I'm sorry to tell you that but its true.

    First thought tell your parents and maybe a teacher you trust when no one is around.  

    Please also click on the link below it may help you.

  4. from the other side of the fence i wasnt bullied but i was a bully (and was left to bully at my own free will for 5 years!), im not going to excuse what i did but it was all down to have serious home problems and i think if one of the people had told a teacher then not only would the bullying have stopped but i would have been able to get some help too. so you really should tell someone, chances are it will get stopped

  5. talk to your parents and ask them to talk to the principal anonymously. it worked for my older brother when he was 11 in primary school.

    hope this helps :) plz gimme best answer lolz


    Honestly, I was bullied and I didn't tell any teachers because I thought the bullying would get worse if I did say something. Now I realise the bullies were actually more scared of being found out than anything.

    If I had told a teacher, I now realise I'd have been moved classes to be away from the bullies and my life might have been very different.

    It's not acceptable to bully someone and the bullies should be made aware of it. If you suffer in silence, it will only get worse as the bullies have the power. Talk to a teacher you trust and see what can be done to help you. Don't worry about being a snitch - make sure you let someone know how much this is affecting you. If you don't do anything about it, it could go on indefinitely.

  7. If this is happening at school, you need to talk to your teacher. If they don't help, go to the principal.  If it still doesn't help, tell you parents, and tell them how you went to the teacher and the principal. Believe me, your parents will get taken care of.

  8. Speak to your parent's first.  If your parent's know the kid's parents possibly they could sit down and have a chat with them. If not, I would let the teacher know, and possibly have a meeting with the principal.

    This needs to be dealt with before someone get's hurt.

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