
What would you do if you were in a crowd...or.....?

by  |  earlier

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some important place or got caught in a traffic and you want to go to the bathroom(wanted to pee) very badly. I'm serious. NO funny answers please.




  1. hold it hard..............or tell my partner to drive, while i'll go to pee

  2. Depending on how bad ...sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do

  3. Just pee there itself, b'coz you don't have any other chance to do.


  4. hold it no mather what if i dont find a public restroom

  5. I'd try to hold it or find/use a container.  However, if you're uncomfortable lowering your pants in a crowd), then you may have to pee your pants.  When you got to go, you got to go.

  6. I've been caught in a dense crowd with the need to go. Luckily, I had an empty beer bottle with me (the cause of my need), which was a handy receptacle, and because the crowd was so dense, almost no one noticed what i was doing.

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