
What would you do if you were in charge of the world for one week?

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If you were given the opportunity to be in charge of the world for just one week. What would you do?




  1. impeach G. W. and his boys and have them all put in jail.

  2. in that case i have to make a schedule first

    thats seven days rigth?

    so monday:

    i will clean and dispose all polutants any part of the world


    i will feed all the hungry and give freedom to all slaves not criminals or convicted


    plant trees all day around the world


    let the homeless have shelter and unimployed have jobs

    friday: i will let evrebody party  and enjoy life while it last but no drugs just food and non alcoholic drinks because its  what i want party should be

    saturday; i will go home to my family and tell them the things that i have done and i will rest for i need strength for sunday which i will have a tour around the world to say thanks to those who cooperated with my work and have lunch eat well and go back from where i belong

    and thats what happens when i have the chance

  3. well pretty much destroy the human race again just see how many are ok maybe 10 eh sounds like about the right no. something like the sodom and gamorha thing if ya know what i mean.

  4. kill every1 but midgets so that i can be a hero and get stuff from a top shelf for them.

  5. i would fix the economy that bush scewed up! and fire Arnold Swartzeneger.

  6. I would stop the war!! Free palestine!! Feed the needy!! I would erase racism. I would free my uncle from jail who was wrongly accused of something he never did!! Pay all my dads bills. And i have to get a little self-fish here and get a whole new wardrobe!! hehe

  7. Forget the world, as for my Country if you was not an REal american not some south of the boader flunky i would send them all home that would be any race or creed that does not belong here to suck out our tax dollars

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