
What would you do if you were in my situation? My husband threw out my baby's musical rectal thermometer!!!!

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GRRRR!!! I am so upset now. I had bought this really cute sponge bob square pants musical rectal thermometer for my baby a few weeks ago b/c I saw it at the store and thought it was so cute. I had to check his temperature earlier today b/c he was running a fever and he laughed when it played the theme music and then me and Jessica thought it was so cute and we were giggling and then tonight we were bored so we started checking eachother's temperature and playing the music and laughing and then tickling eachother and then my husband came in the bedroom real upset and took the thermometer and broke it and threw it away and said if he ever heard that annoying music again we would regret it. He is in such a bad mood tonight, I am thinking about going to my parents with Jessica and the baby. What would you do????




  1. Put jello in hubby's underwear.

  2. I'm going to another question because I can see right through you, dipschitt.

  3. If I were you I would leave the house. Who knows what he may try and break next.

  4. Fetish troll.  

  5. Please don't feed the troll.

  6. Maybe the thought of his wife playing with a rectal thermometer sent him over the edge!

  7. I think you should quit overreacting. If you go to your moms for every little thing then no wonder he is mad.


  8. Checking each others temperature with a rectal thermometer for fun?!

    You didn't use it orally did you?  Were you checking each others temperature rectally? Either way you used that thermometer, it's just gross.

    If any of this is true, then I don't blame him for being plssed.

  9. Take the baby and walk out. Oh, and if you ever go back, go back in a bad mood and break something that he likes. He was dead wrong to do that. And you should reciprocate those feelings.  

  10. Go to your mother's.

    He sounds jealous and attention seeking.

    What a kn0b.

    Cheers :-)

  11. throw his a** out! who payed for the thermometer. u did not him so u better tell him to give u ur money back. and if he doesnt  throw his a** out! c if he does that  again after he sleeps in a shelter for a nite

  12. ...

    It's a rectal thermometer that makes music, and if you and whom ever Jessica is were playing with it, it obviously had to be in use. Hence cheating on him...


  13. It has been very unkind of your husband to spoil the fun and break the expensive musical thermometer. He should be ashamed of himself. But this whole thing, to me, is not worth a big break-up, and I would not make life difficult for the children by taking them away from their home.

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