
What would you do if you were in this situation as I am in? ?

by  |  earlier

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Everyday, I get these same e-mails for whomever, and even it changes, the last 3 days I asked them to stop, but they refuse to. Today's reply, I had it pretty all caps, which is yelling which I am, the past 2 days I asked nicely, but they won't stop. The e-mail are always the same, with the same subject, which is FW: Affordable Viagra $ . And I am not the only person that gets this,and I noticed that all of the peole besidesme, all ends with the same name. I said I would start deleteing, them, and today I said tommrrow I will start if I recieve it again, which I bet I will. So what would you do, if you where in the same situation as I am in? What advice do you have, I have even checked ou the site, and I see this, . And somehow, this never gets directed to my spam folder, but some other messages actually do.




  1. Sadly, there is no way to remove your name from these spam mailing lists. By replying and asking to be removed, you're actually achieving the opposite - you are confirming to them that your email is a valid one, which makes your email more valuable when they sell their list to other spammers. Also, be sure to NEVER open these emails, not even in the preview window. If there are any embedded images, by opening up the email you are sending a message to them if they have a tracker in the email.

    If your Spam Filter is not catching these emails, set up a rule to have all emails with "Viagra" in the subject line to be removed permanently. Or have your company invest in better Spam Filters - it would be in their best interest because viruses and spyware coming into the network can be extremely damaging.

  2. I know what you mean - these unwanted emails are so annoying!..... I had this same situation myself a while ago and met with the same failure you are ..... in the end I could do no more than just to delete them as soon as I saw them in my in-box - without opening them...... then after a while they just stopped and I don't any (or very few) every now and again......

  3. It's called spam... just delete them. Don't open them to make sure you don't get any viruses. But everyone gets spam.

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