
What would you do if you were *invisable* for a day?

by  |  earlier

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Freudian slip the first time! I'll leave that question up anyway, to see what happens.




  1. I would spy on my ex-husband and see how he is and thinks now after 32 years.  I imagine that sounds strange but I would like to see him now that he has been dethroned again.

  2. Watch girls shower all day.

  3. I'd like to try being visible for a day.

    I'm invisible everyday. ;)

  4. Well since I'm a ninja, I'm already technically invisible..but I like to go into peoples houses and throw stuff and watch them freak, and steal an occasional garden gnome.

  5. i would board a plane ride to visit my parents in an island off the coast of africa. plane tickets are about$1500, so it would be free for me. they wouldn't know i was there, but hey its all about me this invisible day!

  6. I'm already invisible =)

  7. Rob a bank!

  8. lol aera 51  =]

  9. Rob a bank and sneak around completly naked and touch people...yeah...invisible...that's nice

  10. I would probably go places I wanted to see for free, like the fairs or the CN Towers, cool stuff like that. !  

  11. Sneak into crush's house

  12. Gosh. I would probably stalk celebrities or something.  

  13. Cause total chaos!

  14. go into area 51 or a girls frat

  15. Scare some people then study spelling invisable=invisible

  16. Follow David Tennant around and hope he goes to gym and in the showers.............he he xx

  17. s***w with people. All day.

  18. I would go to a shopping center and count the amount of people who are buying.

  19. Kill Michael Moore

  20. kill you for asking you for a stupid question

  21. I act as if I am invisible everyday so it wouldn't make a difference...

    I would walk around in my underwear. Steal people's food. Draw on their face. Pull their pants down. Go skinny dipping. Whisper things in people's ears and make them think they are going insane when no one is there but they are hearing voices telling them scary random things. lol what would you do?


    pEaCe <3

  22. i would walk into a top secret lab and steal their top secret and sell it to another company and make millions of dollars, then i would go to top models homes and watch them scratch their butt and pass gas just the way they should in their photo shoots, i would go into the church of scientology and see what is up with the top level secrets, i would go to area 51 and see the alien spaceships they have hidden there, then i would go to las vegas and tell my visible friend what cards the other players have so he will win every-hand. i would go to a t.v. station and make things fall while they are trying to tape the news or other show. gee! i am having fun just imagining the possibilities! thanks for your interesting question!-blurey

  23. Go on an extremely violent killing spree.

  24. lurk

  25. hmm..inisible for one day...

    ..sneek around foolishly, scare ppl, look at you (non-stalkerish tho!), maybe walk through a few boy's locker rooms & bathrooms...


  26. omg so fun, id be a menace to society, pulling pranks on people, sneaking into themeparks and going on rides hehe, and then i would steal aload of awesome clothes from the mall and then steal aload of compiter games and dvds :D and i would rob a bank so i could have the most awesome house :D

  27. i would steal so much **** it wouln't even be funny

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