
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

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What would you do if you were invisible for a day?




  1. Revenge!!!!! Then I'd cause chaos in my highschool. (nothing bad though. Even though I would probably regret it later though!)

  2. idk but it wud be kool

  3. I'd go around helping people in need by leaving money, food, etc. just near where they were and then perhaps whispering something cryptic like "ye have come this far to be fed, so now shall ye be fed, over here."

    I know it's campy, but I think I'd like that a bit more than doing otherwise lecherous and/or illegal things.

  4. I would be very bad and then regret it.

  5. i will haunt people

  6. I would go see how people REALLY live!!!  It would be FUN!  I might cause a little havoc too!

  7. Rob a bank and spy on people.

  8. go to the bank and rob all the money. wouldnt have to be invisible again. lol

  9. Watch how other people act

    when they think no one

    else is looking.

  10. Whisper in peoples ears and make them think they are going crazy.  

  11. Spend most of my time dodging out of people's way.

  12. I would probably freak out that would be one of kind experience but exciting LOL.

  13. scare people like say random things and misplace things!!


    BOO!!!!!!!!!!  did i scare you?

    **scary music starts playing***


  14. Probally get ran over trying to check the mail

  15. wow...with invisibility i could do the ultimate revenge on whoever i want.

  16. See what friends, family and people at work say when I'm not around.

    Then take revenge as appropriate.

  17. i would scare people all day.....lmao

  18. Watch what my bf is getting up to

  19. I would be naughty

  20. Hope that I run into the invisible girl and I hope that we have a whack attack for the next 22 hours................... And she leaves 30 minutes before she becomes visible again..............

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