
What would you do if you were pregnant..?

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Here the scenario, Ellen and Eric are sexual buddies, Eric is married and Ellen knows that. Eric's wife found out, so he told Ellen he had to break it off with her. They are cutting all ties so Eric can fix his marriage. Well Ellen is pregnant and for sure it is Eric's. If you were Ellen would you tell Eric, even though you aren't supposed to have contact with him?

Me personally, I would tell Eric. He is the father and has a right to know. Ellen on the other hand, doesn't feel the need to tell Eric because it would crush him. What's your opinion?




  1. Tell that home-wrecker not to tell a soul. And - is it too late for an abortion?

  2. I would not tell him.  Unless she wants him to be involved in this child's life. meaning every other weekend, splitting holidays, two weeks out of the summer, and possible court battle with him. The wife will force him to go for custody of this child, because she will not want him paying child support, it will take from their family.  If she can support this child with out him she will be much better off.  Only hurt and anger will come her way. this once nice guy will turn mean on her because of the pressures his wife will put on him.

  3. i would tell Eric, but you also have to think about the wife. Eric has a choice to make to either be apart of the child's life or not to. Eric may love his wife but he wasn't committed to her. and telling Eric will allow the child to have a father but it is up to Eric to be a dad. he has a right to know but what he does with that knowledge is up to him. He made his bed it is time for him to lay in it.

  4. I don't think I would tell him because if he doesn't love her, he may see the baby as a burden and the wife probably doesn't want him to have anything to do with it anyway. she could raise the baby herself.

  5. She needs to tell him.  He is the father and has a right to know.  

  6. She needs to tell b/c its his baby too

  7. if ellen is planning on keeping the baby, she needs to let eric know.

  8. If Ellen is having the baby, Eric needs to know as he has responsibilities now (whether he wants them or not).  Pregnancy is a risk everyone takes when having s*x; it's a shame Eric's wife's life will be affected by his and Ellen's foolish behavior.

  9. gurl tell him, it isn't good for your child to be fatherless. forget his wife, and if whoeva think it would chrush him, he shouldna had s*x wit you in the first place

  10. my opinion is that she should tell him so he knows how huge of a mistake he made, but she should have an abortion.  you dont have kids with married men.

  11. Ellen needs to tell Eric because Eric now might have different views on what he wants to do. He will have to own up to his mistake and be responsible.

  12. Tell Erics wife and you wont be contacting him Ellen and eric are scum! Poor erics wife

  13. no becuase he might want his own kids and not hers and it was her fault

  14. tell Eric, if he didn't want that kind or responsibility, he should have kept it in his pants. or stayed with his wife.

  15. Depends on  what her plans are, it's her body so ultimately she can do what she wants, but if she was keeping the baby, she should tell him and he should tell his wife, Eric knew this was a possibility when they had s*x, and the wife has a right to know her husband is now probably going to be paying child support, and he will too,unless the mistress refuses to tell who the father is.

  16. She needs to tell him, its only right

  17. YOU NEED TO TELL ERIC, HE HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW its his baby to, he is the father and why was he having an affair?? he could have divorced his wife to be with ellen, if he had enough time to have s*x with her he should have enough time to devote himself to her

  18. Tell Eric or be dishonest your whole life to that man and the child conceived with that man.

  19. she needs to tell him if he is any part of a man he will want to be in his child's life and the whole he said to leave him alone thing that is their problem he should have only been sleeping with his wife and she should not have been a home wrecker..i hope his wife will be okay

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