
What would you do if you were related to the King of Norway..?

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1) Marry a Royalty of Sweden

2) Lead a quite life

3) Collect expensive cars

4) Become a Singer

5) Or do Charity work

Not directly related but somehow related.




  1. As Rachelle said... you have to be directly related or you aren't a royal... but if i was a prince related to the king of norway... i would lead a quiet life.... i wouldn't do charity work because that's just so cliche for all royals who have nothing to do.

    I'm not much of a car fan so i'll pass. Singing is definately NOT my talent and i don't think swedish girls are hot....

    So i would live a quiet life but be rich at the same time and marry who i want.

  2. Nothing. Distant relatives who are not directly related to the royals are really just like any other commoners. At least 50% of the entire UK population is related to the Queen, through illegitimate sons of Charles II and other English/British monarchs who were famously known for their erotic escapades. Unless I'm apart of the immediate royal family, no one would care to take any notice of me anyways.

    Why would I need to be "related" to King of Norway in order to do any of those things anyways? I can still marry a royalty of any nation, if I got the connections. I can still lead a quite life or a colorful social life if I choose to. I can still collection expensive cars if I got the money. I can still become a singer, if I got the talent to sing. I can still do charity work and fund raising if it is for a good cause.

  3. Nothing. Do not like fishbowls

  4. Eat Lutefisk and toast the Norwegian Royal Family with a fine wine purchased at my local Vinmonopolet. I would lead a quiet life, but a nice car would be lovely.

    best of luck to you!

  5. Introduce my self to people as

    Mr Nice Guy, Prince of Norway and in line to the throne!

    Allthough my freinds and parents might get sick of it after a while.

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