
What would you do if you were standing outside with you child ?

by  |  earlier

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and he was throwing a fit and some guy walked up and was like oh does he have a as bubble, you say yes, and he takes him from your arms and starts patting his back. A man did this to me while I was holding my sisters 2 month old, She is 15 and doesn't do well when he is throwing fits so I took him outside to soothe him, and I was so stunned I didn't even say anything for like 30 seconds. I really didn't grasp what was going on, then I ripped him out of his arms and walked away. I feel so terrible for letting it take place, I was just so stunned. What are people thinking. You don't just walk up and take someone's baby from them, like it's completely acceptable.




  1. I would of kicked him and ran inside with my daughter... old man or not that's my daughter...

  2. Wow. That's a little creepy. I bet it was all in his best interests, but still a weird experience.

  3. Did you have a stressed out look on your face when you were burping the baby? I only ask because maybe what you saw was a kind man, seeing a stressed out mommy and thought he could give you a little help. I would not have acted that way. It would have been better if he had said,"May I try? or Need some help, I do with grandchildren all the time?" or something of the sort. I most likely would have said, That's fine, I can handle it, if I was uncomfortable with him taking the baby out of my hands.

    I think you might be over reacting. Believe me, that's actually hard for me to say because I'm a mega freak about my kids. Insanely over protective, and even that doesn't seem bad to me.

  4. I would have probably done the same thing (been shocked then snatched him back) Actually I probably would have screamed at him once I had the baby back and asked him what in gods name did he think he was doing! I mean I get he was trying to help, but you NEVER take someone's baby out of their arms like that. Especially with all the creepy perverted people out there today

  5. he may have been trying to help but I still would have been weirded out by the whole thing I would have taken the baby back and told him thank you and went inside. some people are crazy.

  6. well i think you did the right thing however i think to be demonizing him now is unjust, now its done and over i would say he was just trying to help probably is the house hubby at home with a troop of children, HOWEVER at the time you did absoloutely right he could of been much worse, and i think he was wrong for intervening but he probably realises that also now

  7. I can understand your feelings, maybe he was just a kind man. Did you have a stressed look on your face? If he was 50+ i could probably say he was just some creep.

  8. That is weird. I would be upset too. However he might have just wanted to help. You can never tell with people though.

    Just a note, my son loved being taken outside too. It was like a switch as soon as he stepped out the door.

  9. I am sure the man just wanted to help. Your culture demonizes strangers - good for you.

    EDIT: so what troubled you more? His age or his gender? Would your reaction have been any different had you been approached by a 30 y/o woman?

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