
What would you do if you were the President?

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Or leader of your country?




  1. Haha well....I'd change every single thing that The Blair Witch messed up in Britain. We don't have that much of a gender issue, but this new idea that women's prisons should be closed and women should be hired above men for no reason should be abolished. They are just 2 of the 100's of ridiculous laws that new labour have passed.

  2. 1. Nationalize all U.S. oil interests to pay off the largest national debt in the history of humankind that has been spent to benefit only private oil companies.

    2.  Bring our soldiers home and tell Halliburton, Exxon, Dutch Shell and Standard Oil to pay for their own oil field security.

    3. Complete health care coverage for all children under 12.

    4.. Public (free) quality childcare accredited by the N.A.E.Y.C.

    5.  Ratification of the Children's Bill of Rights as a U.S. Constitutional Amendment.

    6.  National salaries for Stay-At-Home parents x four years, one parent per family in lieu of paltry parental leave pay.

    7. Criminalize parenthood when entered into without means of financially supporting children.

    8.  Mandatory DNA registration of men at 18 years old related to paternity rights and accountability.

    9.  Elimination of the Selective Service Program.

    10.  Elimination of high school football except as a non-tax-payer supported school budgeted extracurricular activity and replacement with coed mandatory ballet and swimming programs related to research indicating that approach being the most cost effective use of tax-payer money to begin reducing the colossal $70 Billion annual health care tab for obesity, paid mostly by Medicare / Medicaid.

    11.  Eliminate 11th and 12th grade high school funding and redirect to mandatory school beginning at 3 years old rather than 5 years old which will, per research and application in trials, reduce high school incompletion rates for males by 50-75% AND allow for completion of HS requirements by 10th grade, par with other nations.

    12.  Revoke the right to vote and passports from dead-beat parents and have the U.S. Department of Justice post on their website a public alphabetical listing of deadbeat parents and require habitual deadbeat parents to reside in minimum security halfway houses until their debts are cleared.

    13.  Require a $5000 bond with all gun purchases to help offset the cost to tax-payers related to armed crimes / 40,000 per year GSW deaths / justice system costs.

    14. Include sexism as a federal hate crime.

    15. Criminalize the sexual objectification of young girls just as marketing cigarettes to minors has been criminalized.

    16.  Raise the legal driving age of boys to 18 years old.

    17.  Criminalize childhood pregnancy prior to age 18 with fines for parents of the minors..

    18.  Mandatory annual STD testing for children 13-18 with parental criminal fines for positive results.

    19. Mandatory trust funds in the name of SAH spouses paid into montly by the working spouse equivalent to domestic salaries to help offset taxpayer costs of unemployable divorced spouses.  Working taxpayers should not have to support the choice of those who choose dependency and get dumped by their meal-ticket.

    20.  Joint child custody whenever possible with the children permanently residing in a home with divorced parents in turn residing with the children in that children's domicile for two month periods.  Why should it be the children in their formulative years be the ones who have to shuttle back and forth between their parents?  If that "inconviences" a parent, oh well.

    21.  Kick the religious freaks and their "abstinence only" Bible School version of reality out of the s*x education business and get real s*x education into all public schools and free birth control for children 13-18.

  3. Well we don't have presidents in Canada DUH!! I'm 12 and even I know that. You shouldn't have said President because Americans are SSSOOO dumb. Dumb Americans.

  4. Wow Patois, I hope you are not serious. If I were president, my goal would be to eliminate people like you. I mean seriously, you think my sister should call HER attorney b/c a coworker told her she lied to her partner about needing money to get an abortion?? You are the type of person that makes life unnecessarily hard. And I just can't stand that. Criminalize pregnancy for people younger than 18?? So are you saying that my mom should have been a criminal for having me? Not to brag, but I am 22 years-old, graduated from a top college, never did drugs or alcohol, never been to jail, never had a driver's ticket. I did not turn out that bad.

  5. No what feminist laws would even work? I would lower gas prices stop the war in Iraq and fix the housing market in my first 2 years. Than I would concentrate on education so the next generation is the best yet, put billions into reasearch for cures of cancer aids and other diesease and put 1 trillion dollars into the search for alternative energy. Negotiate with N.korea and Iran and become great partners with China so when they take over the world we are not the first to go down lol. Thats what I would do in 4 years. In 8 I dont even know um ban all guns except for 1 9mm per house hold what are you going to use a m16 or an ak for anyway end corruption in the goverment. Border securtiy hightend yes guys make the fence electric make the American dollar become the strongest in the world. I dont know what else um make all programs hd lol. Yea thats all I can think of Id be a great president.

  6. Have the previous president and his cronies banished to Siberia; take control of the federal reserve out of the hands of the federalist thieves; tax the super rich; build affordable housing; monitor the financial markets to make sure people are not abusing them.

  7. Eradicate feminism and get rid of sexist laws that discriminated against men.

  8. This is too broad a question to give a good answer.  Narrow it down a bit by specifying a topic that should be addressed.

  9. Well, first I'd tackle our oil dependency. I would then reconsider our alliance with Saudi Arabia... and frankly any questionable foreign government. Our allies should be other democracies, republics... anyone at least civilized. I would levy massive, bank breaking tax penalties on any American company getting the majority of their work accomplished overseas. I would entirely cut the taxes of any business employing primarily American citizens. Which should work nicely with taking people off welfare and putting them into jobs.

    I'd privatize education. Our public schools have done a TERRIBLE job. I like the concept of school vouchers. They would not, however, apply to religious schools. Because s*x education and science will be taught thoroughly, completely, and without reserve. Or no federal vouchers.

    I'd improve the military. Increase BAH- equalize tours. The Army has carried the 15-18 month tours too long. Either everyone does a year and a half or no one does. I'd install a government in Iraq that is pro-American and begin pulling the troops. After our troops are out in a few years, they can hold an election. I don't really care if those people eat each other.

    I'd introduce a graduating tax system. Reward environmentalism and punish environmental destruction. Try to bring back the family farm by actually imposing the current rules on big meat and big dairy, who will thusly collapse.

    As for feminism? I would not support discrimination on any front, be it against men or women. In divorce settlements a Guardian Ad Litem would be assigned to every family to determine to whom primary custody should be awarded. To the chagrin of every man on this board I would keep VAWA as it should do so much to help women in misogynistic societies overseas. To appease those men, I'd add language to the domestic side of VAWA to include violence against men, and severe punishment for false or unwarranted reporting.

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