
What would you do if you were the cashier in this situation?

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You were a cashier who accidentally typed in $1.24 in the cash register, when the real price was $0.75 and the customer corrected you, looking a little annoyed?

How would you feel, and what would you say?




  1. I wouldn't be embarrassed, but I would apologize and thank them for catching the error.  Annoyed or not, the customer is right.  and regarding sufi's comment 'You seem a little annoyed with the mistake', I would not say that to them, it might embarrass the customer that you pointed out that they looked annoyed.

  2. oh, i am so sorry!  i made a mistake and it affected you!  i'm so glad you caught my mistake!  thank you!  You seem a little annoyed with the mistake.  is there anything i can do to correct for it?

    then LISTEN

  3. I would just say oh I'm so sorry! and then fix it. I would be embarrassed but everyone makes mistakes

  4. well, I'd probably feel a little embarrassed for doing that, and for giving me a dirty look, id probably be a little annoyed, and would probably have the urge to say 'It was JUST an accident, SORRY" but,

    being the employee speaking to the customer, i'd probably  play it off and "smile and just say oops im so sorry ma'am/sir, im an idiot, hah"

    its happened to me.

  5. I would just apologize and fix it?

  6. I used to work in customer service and the cash register and things like that happen from time to time, maybe the regular price was $1.24 & you didn't realize the price change or it was marked wrong or what ever the reason it does happpen. When it happened to me I would smile at them and say "oops I'm glad you pointed that out to me, I certainly would have felt bad if I had over charged you."

    Usally the smile gets them and they calm down, but I was usually up on my game at work so it didn't happen that often.

  7. It happens from time to time.  I would say think you for pointing that out, and correct it.

    But, how do you accidently type in 1.24?  .75 is nothing like 1.24?  Did you just ring something up that was 1.24?  And again, Ive been there, I know it happens.  But I have also seen too many other cashiers purposefully type in wrong amounts just to be funny, or just to cause issues, or to cover in some way their own theivary from the store.  So as the customer, I would be a lil irritated and perhaps suscpicious as well.

  8. I would politely say "Oh, sorry.. it's been a long day." and correct my error... most people will be sympathetic.

    I would have made a mistake and it would have been my fault, not the customers, so I would have continued to be kind to the customer.. they are doing nothing wrong in pointing out my error.

  9. it happens, i just deal with it and get on with it, i dont even get embarassed actually. i just say oh im sorry, let me correct that...job done. :)

  10. When I was a cashier, it only embarrassed me in the beginning.  I just learned to just apologize, give them their money back and try to watch my money handling.

  11. I was a cashier and trust me one time or another we all made little mistakes. But as you can see their fixable so no harm down. Just apologize and the customers are usually in good spirits about it. Don't let it get to you. Remember no one is perfect we all make mistakes. Even if I got rude customer for one reason or the other I was still kind and just realized they were having a bad day or not everyone is a 'nice' person. Just got to learn and let go of minor things like that.

  12. I wouldn't feel too embarassed, accidents do happen after all, it wasn't intentional.  I would apologize and smile and then move on.

  13. I would be embarrassed and apologize. The best thing to do is just  fix it and forget about it. Everybody makes mistakes.

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