
What would you do if you were trapped in a bedroom with no windows and the rest of the house was on fire?

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What would you do if you were trapped in a bedroom with no windows and the rest of the house was on fire?




  1. open the door get on the floor and feel your way out.

  2. You do not have time to ask and wait for our answers you are already dead ,good luck if you can read ours from heaven or h**l bye.

  3. What you should do is immediately calm down, panicking will not help and will just lessen your chance of survival.

    Next is grab your bed sheets or blankets and cover the space under the door. Because if you don't carbon dioxide will enter your room and you will suffocate. As suggested breaking the walls down wont be much help as this will waste oxygen and your chances of survival will lessen. Call police if you have a cell phone. After all this be patient and wait for fire fighters because there is nothing else you can do if you are trap in a room and remember to calm down and breath slowly as this will conserve oxygen.  

    If you have water bottles near you I suggest soaking some blankets (other than the one you used to cover the door) and cover you mouth as this will prevent your hair from catching on fire of the fire does enter the room. An alternative is use the blankets to cover your body and break the room door down and run for your life if that is possible.

    But the question is will such scenario happen? I do not know of any bedroom that does not have a window.

  4. Figure I beat the no good undertaker out of his cremation fee.

  5. spend your final minutes asking questions on yahoo? lol

  6. While clutching the silver badge on my spandex uniform, I would loudly proclaim "Beam me up, Scotty!"

  7. try to break the wall down

  8. Who would buy a house with a windowless bedroom?

  9. Give the points to Lamby, but more importantly analyze why you even bothered???

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