
What would you do if you where in Cancun and could not fly out to escape the hurricane?

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Hurrican Dean will touch down very soon on the Yucitan penninsula , Mexico with a catagory 5 force.




  1. I would just pray and take cover somewhere secure.

  2. get a fast boat or stick your head in the sand

  3. Contact the local Red Cross.  Gather whatever emergency supplies--food, water, flashlights, blankets, etc.-- you have and find the most solid shelter.  Avoid windows.  Put yourself in survival mode and make every effort to cooperate with authorities and others in the same situation.  Best wishes to you!!

  4. pray and fing the nearest shelter that doesnt have to many floors or buildings and try to stay secure and make a survival kit to prepare for anything and try to get in touch with family, friends and just make sure you pray, pray, pray

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