
What would you do if you woke up in the middle of the ocean on your bed?

by  |  earlier

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Wouldn't that be terrifying?




  1. go bak to sleep. im dreaming.

  2. i would sink my bed is made of metal.

    so i would swim to the top and wait for a ship to get me or a shark to come and eat me one or the too!!!

    great question tho x

  3. I'd go back to bed and hope I end up at some shore. If I got that far sleeping, I'm sure I could get farther sleeping some more.

  4. id think it was a nightmare

  5. id wonder how i got to the ocean

  6. I would throw the hooker off starboard side

  7. cry because I cant swim

  8. start paddling

  9. yeah at first then it would be heaven

  10. i'll go back to sleep, too tired to even start thinking......

  11. Yeah scary.  Plus the mattress would probably soak up the water, then you'd sink and become shark food!

  12. lie perfectly still till i get help or till i get hungry then I'll use my brain!!

  13. I WOULD FREAK OUT! Then, I would make sure the water was real. If it was, I would try to make sense of what the heck was goin on!

  14. go get a tan.

  15. that would be scary

  16. I'm not entirely sure but, I'd probably have tea with that guy from Frasier - you know the bald one.

  17. I would break dance.

  18. Scream ... then try to find my house under the water or go back to sleep... But when would that ever happen... maybe in a flood... Ok confusing!

  19. i would jump up and down on my bed!!!! i mean, really! a bed in the middle of the ocean! its like a water bed, only not. then i would scream and yell and jump for joy! and i would sleep. that would be fun! im gonna go do that right now!!! wwwwwwoooooooooohhhhhhhhhoooooooooo!!!!!...

  20. cry.

  21. I'd be really glad that I didn't go down with the rest of the ship! Than, I would pray and hope that I would be rescued soon ... and I would Get under the sheets so I wouldn't get sunburn .

  22. At least you'd have a good excuse to miss work that day i guess

  23. i would try to find a way to either be found fast or die on the mattress - I HATE SHARKS!!!!

  24. I would go back to sleep until I woke up back in my room.

  25. its air-bed?then row..row..row my bed...

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