
What would you do if you won Millionaire Life?

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1 Million each year for 25 years. This was drawn February 29th 2008 in Canada.




  1. That list would only include things I enjoy. Anything else is not going to be on my agenda.

    Although I have a feeling that a million doesn't go as far as people dream that it does.

  2. make urs and parents life stable then help ur town city state country or else help the developing countrys

    good question i like ur way good one enjoy lifeee

  3. WHATEVER I feel like :)

  4. move to a warm climate.....

    throw a party for my friends.a cruise or something like that.........

  5. I would make sure my parents would get enough to have an awesome retirement, give my mom money for a house in Oregon, and I would give my dad money for his business.  Then, I would take helicopter piloting lessons, get hired for a company, get a good house, a good truck, and with any leftovers, maybe squeeze a chopper out of those leftovers for myself. (I would take all my friends and family flying all the time tho.)

    (i no i'm greedy, but hey, at least I would help my folks after taking care of me for all those years!)

  6. I've heard the ads recently. I'm not sure what I'd do. probably travel a bunch, buy a house... or two. Or three. And learn how to fly a private plane (which I would then buy).

    Unfortunately I'm too young to buy lottery tickets xP

  7. I would  invest in a very large piece of  commercial property, which i know of,  which has a stream, and a railroad spur, and multiple access roads.  I wouuld  put each member of my family into this business, and use the  business, as a system, to support their individual dreams of developement, and their families. My corporation would be deveoted to  one industry, for the purpose of another, as well.  The  trafficking of  automotive parts, and the developement of  family securities.

    I am poor, but i live like a king, already, i believe with this much money, i could truly live like a wealthy and intelliogent person  should. (Carefully).

  8. I'd run away far away.

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