
What would you do if you won the Uk national lottery?

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What would you do if you won the Uk national lottery?




  1. Quit work straight away, go away on a nice holiday while my new house is being built, or bought and come back and fill the yard with nice cars.

  2. Knowing my luck,probably wake up.

  3. Buy my house, get a little car, pay off my parents mortgage and pay for help for them (my dad has parkinsons and my mum cares for him, they are in their 70s) and NOT HAVE TO WORRY anymore!!!

  4. move away, pay off my parents mortgage and see my friends alright!!! Oh and while I'm still getting over the shock, I'd go on holiday to the Maldives (unless I only win £10!!!!!)

  5. I'm a School Caretaker in my old school I left many years ago. I would have to win 6 mil or so for my idea.

    I would beg our council to buy the land the school is on, I would then tell the new Headteacher that I was their new landlord.

    Then two days later having resigned my job. I would hire has many JCB's as I could and drive them up to the school. I would then inform the Headteacher that she had two hours to get off my land and I'd re shape the school...sort off flatish!

  6. You don't need to win the lottery to enjoy life, but if I did win it would reilve the pressure of high rent and taxes, I would have a lot more time to do the things I enjoy doing and I wouldn't have to to spend 80% of my week working and see more of the world.

    I woulden't go crazy giving my money away because when I didn't have any money nobody gave me a penny.

  7. Not very much at all - JUST SIT BACK AND RELAX!!!!!

  8. buy a ford transit and a big trunk.

    put the money in the trunk, the trunk in the transit, and foxtrot oscar

  9. i would keep a little 4 my self and then give the rest to family and Friends

  10. Buy a penthouse in New York City, buy a horse and fulfill all my dreams.

    Edit: HorseS

  11. Buy a house and a penthouse and fly all around the world and buy each of my family a house and car and plane tickets to travel where they want with spending money

  12. I would return with my winnings to the US so I have double the money plus I live here and invest, have a great time.

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