
What would you do if you won the lottery?

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What would you do if you won the lottery?




  1. First up....get my car repaired.

  2. Buy Yahoo a server that works!

  3. pay for my 8 years of collage (i wanna be a doctor)

    buy my mom a house and a lotta other stuff

    pay for my brothes and sisters education

    and open a business for my mom :)

    send a lot and a lot of money to my family in other country!

    .......................... wooooooooooooow a lot of other things

  4. it depends on how much it is.

    i would reach out to more people who are in need.

  5. Pay off my bills, then take a much-needed vacation.

  6. If you won $1000000 the interest after taxes would be about the average wage, so you would travel to the cheaper countries where your money is worth lots and party for a few years.  And still have $1000000 in the bank.   Or buy a few flats and live off the rent (minus tax, expenses, insurance etc.)


    Travel the world business class stay in 4 star places and be broke in about 4 years.....OR   Travel the world first class and stay in 5 star places and be broke in about a year.

    Better idea is win $20000000 and have huge interest till you die.

  7. id buy millions of lottery tickets so id be sure to win!

  8. break something expensive because half is going to taxes.

  9. travel around the world with my family and friends. buy a house, buy a car, and retire. investment is also a good idea.

  10. me and a couple of close friends would never work again

  11. Long holiday in Amsterdam.

    Hash cafes and prostitutes in the windows.

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