
What would you do if your 15 year old daughter told you she was pregnant?

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how would you react at first?then what would you do fter you talked to her?what would you say?would you help her car for the baby?kick her out etc. what would you do to the babys father? etc

yeah im 15 but not pregnant or planning on getting pregnant just a relationship for 2 years and still not have s*x




  1. this is really hard to Say unless you are in the situation. i would support her with whatever decision she would make and i would hope the father of the baby would also be supportive. i would certainly not kick her out. maybe i would feel a little dis heartened at first and certainly be shocked but i'm sure time would get everyone including the girl used to the idea and her feelings would be all that really mattered, it would be her life that had the major changes i would just have to try to make things as easy as possible for her to still be able to get an education and get on her feet

  2. i'd be kind as it takes a lot of courage to tell parents. don't be angry i'm sure she didn't mean to upset you.

  3. im 17 and when i told my mum and dad they went mad at me and when i told the babys dad he did a runner and i didnt hear from him until i told him that it takes to to lie down and make a baby it should take 2 to bring the baby up but then i told him that i would prob be betta on my own than him bein and drunk and i know he wont change his family are involed tho x

  4. I'd say "oh c**p! Unde esti tu Tepes Doamne!?"

  5. I would seriously wonder how i could have failed like that.

    my first reaction  would probably be me in complete shock and i would probably cry.Then of course i would want to make sure who the father was (he'd better bet his life he'll be paying child support when the time came)and if she was sneaking around with an older boy behind my back (my daugter wont be allowed to date an 18 year old at 15). We'd discuss her options after the inital shock which would be one of two things 1) Keep her baby and raise it with my help 2) if she really doesnt want it she can sign away her rights to me and her father and we'd take care of it . i wouldnt have starngers rasing my grandchild. My daughter would have to tell her father what was going on. We would support her and she would know we still loved her. Now the said boy, as i said he'd be paying child support when the time came but if he wanted to sign over his rights it would be his choice my daughter would be better off without him, Now if said boy was 18 he'd have once chance to make his case of why i shouldnt report him and if he convinces me and my husband not to and that he loves our daughter  that's great but the second he turns his back on our daughter or the baby he's going to be drug threw the mud for it.

  6. At first, of course, as any mother would, be completely shocked. I would say absolutely nothing until my daughter clears up the facts and explains HOW she got pregnant, WHO she got pregnant with, and her options about giving birth. We would then sit and talk, calmly, like civilized people. If your first reaction is fury when she announces that she is pregnant, then calm down and tell her that. Do not yell at her, because that will only make things worse. Arguments are not the solution.

    Talk about her options. Does she want to have this baby? Does she want to have this baby and then let it be adopted? Maybe she chooses the choice of abortion. You have to clear this up during your talk. The next thing that you have to do is ask who she had this baby with. Call a meeting with the father of the baby and discuss this matter.

    I would be furious at the baby's father. How come he didn't think about this when he actually got into the situation? I would call a meeting with the parents and discuss this.

    Hope it helps!


  7. by the way if you need easy condoms no questions asked go to information shop ( make sure its not a tourist info shop tho)  

  8. i would be a bit disappointed but then i would give her the three options abortion, adoption or have the baby and what ever choice she made i would fully support her.

    hope this helps good luck.

  9. My eldest daughter is almost 16. If she came and told me she was pregnant I would be shocked.She knows all about protection and she knows to wait till she is old enough.

    However if she was in a long term steady relationship and the BF was willing to take responsibilities I would not be too harsh on them. Disappointed, h**l yeah! But **** happens and who am I to fly off the handle, and finally I guess me and her dad, and the other grand parents would all pitch in financially as well as physically. Families should stick together eh?

  10. Kick her *** out of the house.

    If she's mature enough to have s*x unprotected, she's mature enough to live on her own.

    I would never raise my daughter to be irresponsible. Babies are for mature, married adults who are financially READY to care for babies. Not immature teens who just **** around.


    Why would 15 year olds even have s*x? -_- That's disgusting, children having s*x. s*x is for ADULTS, period.

  11. hiya cazzie,you sound like a very sensible young lady,your mum should be so proud of you.if my daughter came home pregnant,i would be upset,as we have talk s*x,babies,std.but what is done is amount of screaming will change things.i would get my daughter and her b/f to my hou se to talk things over.I'm so against that would not be a option.i know it would not be up to me,but i don't believe in killing a unborn child.the first thing they would do is tell his parents,so both sides know.then we would al put our heads together,and help the couple in what they want to do.

  12. Kick her, Kick the guy's I'd calm down, Talk to them.. and I'd help her. I could never kick my pregnant 15 year old daughter out(I'd be a hypocrite too.), I'd help her with whatever she needed..Kicking your/my pregnant daughter out, Is cruel..No matter what anyone says.

  13. I would be very shocked, but in the end I would come around and try to help my daughter in anyway possible. Legally or financially.  

  14. I would be shocked. I would be mad and disappointed also. I would help her care for the baby though because you can't change the past.


    that is what i would say to my daughter - and i will


    it is extremly tough to deal with in any case when you are so young

    to have s*x you need to be able to deal with every consequence of it

  16. i woul;d give her a big hug and tell her we would work it out together

    but im going to make sure to teach my teen about contraception so hopfully i wont be put in the position  

  17. Well i'm only 13 myself so it's not possible for me to have a 15 yr old daughter but if i was older and if i did i would tell her it's ok and that i would support her in any decision she made and that i would help her with anything even raise the baby for her until she finished high school and help her get a good job and a house and help her pay the bills and rent if necessary. then i would let her take over. You can't do anything about it what's done is done and i would always support and help her no matter what.

  18. u should only have s*x when u are ready to not be pushed in by ur bf or friends cos they have done it and u ha vent u should not be consented about what ur mom would say as u are not going to get pregnant or so u say but she is ur mom she has to stand by u i would stand by my daughter if i ever become a dad if i ever get a gf and i would pay the farther a visit and talk to him and make sure he knows what he has done and make him stand by her. i wouldn't give him a kick in even though i would want to

  19. I would be thrilled to bits, because I've always wanted to be a grandad.

    Next I would be a little afraid, because 15 is underage and there are a lot of very nasty people about who will make life h**l for her, and for anyone who backs her up. If it got really bad, then I might have to consider moving the whole family to France, where the age of consent is 15.

    Clearly 15 is too young really to attempt motherhood on her own, so I would clear out the spare room to turn into a nursery.  I live alone at the moment, but if I had a wife, it would be so much better because she could then guide you through the basics woman to woman.  Even so, I'll enlist the support of my sister and my mother and any other female relatives and friends to act as support.

    The next person I would want to see is the baby's father.  Now if we were being hounded by nasty people, this might be difficult, since I could get into trouble myself for harbouring a criminal, so it would have to handled delicately.  I would want to know the father's intentions for supporting the baby and my daughter, and whether he can call on the support of his parents, who I would also like to meet.  In the early stages, I would ask him to help prepare the nursery and get into the habit of providing for the baby, if only in token ways.

    With good support and backup, the two young people should then be able to carry on with their studies and raise their baby with the help of the grandparents.  At this stage, I would consider the baby like a younger sibling of my daughter, an extension of my family, until my daughter was properly grown up and able to take on the full burden of motherhood.

    It would please me if the baby's parents could prepare for marriage as soon as they felt mature enough for a permanent relationship (probably at around 21).

    In reality, I would have talked this possibility through with my daughter before she was 15, and she may well decide to put off motherhood and even s*x for quite a few years yet.  If so, then I wouldn't grumble.

  20. Its good that you've been in a relationship for 2 years and still not had s*x, i just hope your not planning on having s*x and thinking about getting pregnant.. you can get contraception even when your 15.

    I would do my nut for a start...

    Ask her what the h**l she was thinking as i thought id bought her up to be better than that...

    Of course i'd help her care for the baby but only because i'd have to, how else could a 15 year old support a baby?

    I would prosecute the babys father if he was older than my 15 year old dauughter, if he was the same age id slap him so hard!

    Girls think its all about love.. all a baby needs is love, well its not true, they need a h**l of a lot more and a lot of women if they were being honest would say that at some points they've truely hated their babies! Its not easy! Dont do it xxxx

  21. I would support her..

  22. I would cry.

    I would support her 100%. Make sure she knows what's going on, find out out what happened/why she did it. Help her make a decision about what SHE wants to do with her baby.

    I would support her and the baby as best I could of ocurse.

    never kick her out.

    I would probably have a similar talk with the father and his mother.

  23. I would talk to her about what happened and if she got pregnant on purpose. I would be supportive and understanding.

  24. I would help her care for the baby and put it up for adoption. I would let her visit the baby when it got older if possible. I would adopt it myself if I didn't have any other kids. I would take her and the father to counseling to help them through it. I wouldn't kick her out, that wouldn't help at all. She'd end up in jail or something.

  25. reaction= "what did I do wrong"

    I' talk to her about how we are keeping this baby an how she is going to be a responsible adult from now on and raise it and get an education no matter how tired she is going to feel.

    I would never turn her out- no matter how mad i was.

    I wouldnt do anything to the babys farther. i admit it would be weird talking to a little kid about the possibility of my grand daughter but there is nothing i coul do...since they both made the mistake they BOTH will be responsible.

    Id inform his parents- get them involved in anyway possible.

    Start her up saving money. have her go to school regularly. and when time for the baby  I guess id be a grand mother.

  26. Talk to her and her boyfriend about what they both planned to do. Just explain their options and tell them everything they've got to consider and if they still wanted to go ahead I'd support her.

    I would be a little bit disappointed as i'd have wanted her to live more of her life before getting tied down with a baby.

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