
What would you do if your 15 yr old daughter doesn't want to goe to school?

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What would you do if your 15 yr old daughter doesn't want to goe to school?




  1. Tell her that if she doesn't get a good education, she'll be stuck with a job flipping burgers, have a boyfriend who lives with his momma, get pregnant, then be alone because her boyfriend won't help with the child. It's bound to make her think, and she'll want to go to school then.

  2. M2 is absolutely correct, you need to get to the bottom of why she doesn't want to go, and then, resolve her objections.   If you do not feel up to the task, have her talk with her student adviser at school.  Nip this in the bud, or you could be fined or jailed for contributing to her truancy.  School is necessary to become a functioning and self sufficient adult.  There is not another option. She's only 15 and not nearly ready to run her own life.  Good luck.

  3. well first of all you should get her to work in a gas station or something for minimum wage and tell her to give a rent for living with you when she realises how hard real life is she will understand that she needs to go back to school do not let her drop out under any circumstances.

  4. Simply put, I'd bust her ***! There is no way in h**l my 15 y/o is going to tell me what she "wants" to do. Get your *** in class so you can graduate and actually be worth something.

  5. tell her that if she doesnt go then your going to take her things away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. tell her that if she dosento to school r going to take something away from her for example her cell-phone if she has one. but take it slow and tell why she isint going. i stilll go to school and every day i wake up so tired and i never want to go to school but what pulls me through every day is as boring as school is i know that it will help me sometime in my life and help me get a nice job that i would enjoy to work at. May GOD BLESS YOU AND UR DAUTGHER.

  7. If at all possible, go with her.  Sit in all her classes and embarrass the c**p out of her.

    Either she'll decide to go on her own or tell you the reason she doesn't want to go.  If she's having a problem that's influencing her attitude, you can deal with it when you know what it is.

    Good luck.

  8. I would ask her to start doing her part as a unemployed, uneducated Adult, it's time to act like one. Okay, no school,

    get a job and start paying some bill's. Perhaps, it will be a

    wake up call for her and you may get some freedom from

    the person. If, she is bright and educated already with a good

    career started the bill's should not be a problem and it's her

    life. We as parents are just the tugboat, guiding ....

  9. ask why not?

  10. Well first find out why.  If there are valid reasons then I woudl consider homeschooling if possible  in your family situation.  If it is just she doesn't want to do the work then be firm, but if she is ahead and bored, behind and lost, being pressured by others to behave certain ways, being teased or bullied, developing low self esteem, or anything you don't think she can deal with, then I would try to work something out for her.

    Good Luck

  11. If she refuses to go you can always call the cops. They'll drag her out.

  12. ok fist off I I am only 22 so I can remember being 15. First off are there any siblings in the home??? Some one that she is close to that she can talk to?? There are some things that seem so silly that they just don't want to share inthe home so they hide ut yet it is bothering them inside and it has to do with school. Is she doing well in school?? these are all questions that have to be asked. I am a big sister and I run a day care and help mentor young adults, so with that being said some times it can just be that she is not fitting in, school work is too hard and making her feel "dumb" or that a boy at school is making fun of her. Have her find a mentor some one that she can telk to and help her figure out what is wrong.

    I DONT NOT  suggest taking things away or making her get a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For some reason she is acting out and taking things away or punishing her in any way will make it worse.

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