
What would you do if your baby starts to scream, very LOUD?

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She is only 1 year old.

Last night, everytime I put her in her crib she starts screaming very loud, she was not sick, she was fed/ diaper changed and everything was done for her.

How do you handle a screaming baby? what would you do?




  1. Oh. well I would hold her, rock her, nurse her, sing to her....

    then I would say its not playtime and rock her to sleep. or read to her. nursing usually gets my LO to sleep, though she isnt 1 yet

  2. my son went threw this , and as bad as it sounds , i did the crying out method . i knew he was fed/diapered , not sick and he would fall asleep on my shoulder or lap and no sooner i would put him in his crib he would wake up and cry . after a couple rounds i would let him cry , it usually didnt take but a couple minutes and he was asleep . goodluck  

  3. If you do the CIO then you would just need to check her temp and see if her teeth are bothering her. If she is ok then let her scream about it for 15 - 25 min and see if that works. If she sees that your just gonna jump to attention every time then she is gonna keep doing it.  

  4. If my little one screams even though she's fed, burped, changed, not too hot/cold and in no obvious pain i rock her in my arms, swaddled relatively tightly, till she's almost asleep then pop her down to sleep

  5. I have been through this often. I tried soothing her, rocking her and feeding her, however at this age they are smarter than we give them credit for. She just wanted to get out. As hard as it is I just let her scream. She is two and a half now, and I have no problem getting her to bed. The odd time she tries to prolong it, but I don't give in. She is a great sleeper now, and has no emotional scars from me letting her fuss it out.

  6. Sometimes when my son does this, I talk to him in a whisper.  It forces him to quiet down to hear me.  Then I don't pick him up until he is calm.  I don't want him to associate screaming with being picked up.  It works most of the time.

  7. At 1 your child is begining to understand how to get the attention of people...It could be that she just wasnt ready for bed and that was he way of telling you......Dont feel guilty about her crying...this may be your first chance at being a real parent...its time to decide what disipline style your going to use.

    Did she have a late nap?  Is she getting teeth? Did she not get a nap?Did she have gas in her tummy? Did something scare her?

    I would consider all of these options first.....but if you have already considered these (and im sure you have)...then just remember to be consistent...same bedtime routine every night...same time every night...

  8. thats the story of my life. . im so firmly against letting them cry it out, yet everyone i know has done that and has way less needy children than i do. my oldest is almost 5, and she just now started sleeping on her own! my middle kid still sleeps next to her grandpa every night, and my 13 month old son has never slept in a crib period.. i dont even try, because i already know he'll scream exactly the way that you decribe.. so im a cosleeping breastfeeding mom, everyones different. some people like my best friend can let them cry and say oh well, go to sleep.. i cant i dont have the heart or i guess the stomach for it it really upsets me when theyre crying for 30+ minutes (i did try this with my first, never worked).. so i dont know what the best answer really is, but thats my opinion anyways.. hold her, let her know she is loved :)

  9. Say good night and leave the room.  Check on her every 10 minutes or so if it would continue but if it is bedtime and everythign is done for her - she needs to sleep.  

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