
What would you do if your best friend for 11 years liked you?

by  |  earlier

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me and my best friend have known each other for about 11 years now. WOW. he likes me and always has yet i don't have near as close feelings for him like that. i tried explaining that hes like a brother to me. yet he still doesn't seem to understand it would ruin our friendship if we went out. he tends to ask me frequently why i wont go out with him and I'm not going to make an excuse or lie about it. Any ideas?




  1. be honest with him and don't say anything or do anything that you'll regret.

    the same thing happened to me but we had known each other for 6 years and i gave in to him and we had a stupid lil fight ans broke up. it totally ruined our friendship and i really regret it.

    its good that you are close and staying true to what u think will be the best for the both of you.

    keep explaining that u think of him more as a friend and that u don't want something to happen like it did to me and my friend.

    if hes that good a friend he would understand and be thankful that you two have remained close through all those years

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