
What would you do if your boyfriend cheats on you ???

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heard the vise versa ... would like 2 compare it to this one ...




  1. Don't put up with him don't get mad at the girl he used to cheat on you because most likley she dont know unless its one of your friends just for give and forget dump his ***!!!!!

  2. chop off his balls & post them too his mother

  3. Kick him to the curb!

  4. I would be entirely heart broken and probably (realistically) forgive him because we have such a great connection, but our relationship would be like a piece of china with a crack forever... :-(

    I would be mistrusting forever, and jealous and teary... basically it would ruin it forever even if we didnt break up.  

  5. If my boyfriend cheated on me, I would leave him. Even if he begs me to forgive him, even if it is throwing 4 years out the window, I don't care! If a person cheats on me, it means I deserve better than what I have and they don't deserve me. You could never fully trust that person again if they cheat on you and you need trust in a relationship.

  6. sleep with their best friend

    or anyone in their immediate family

    if not just find something he loves dearly

    and remove it ( dont do that if its his child or his elderly gran )

    something like a suit he really like etc

    also get someone to do a poo on the bonnet of his car


  7. Listen to his reasons and see if we could work through it.

  8. Punch him in the face and break up with him.

  9. break up with him..FORGIVE AND FORGET!

  10. find out why.

    find out if he still really cares about me.

    then choose to forgive or leave.

  11. burn their house down!

  12. dump him he will do it again, he does not respect you.

  13. I broke up with him for it

  14. I wouldn't know what to do at first, it would be a shock. I'd never trust him again so that would be the end of the relationship ! I would get revenge lol :)  

  15. I'd immediately leave him and never get back together with him again.  I also would not want to be "friends" either.  After all, when someone cheats on you, they are violating your trust in a huge, fundamental way and no matter what they say are not to be trusted in the important matters ever again.  I'd thank my lucky stars that I found out he was a cheater before I maybe got more involved with him, or even married him.

    Also, I would not hook up with anyone else (no rebound flings/relationships) for at least several months, and I would try not to let this one guy's behaviour make me generalize and think that all guys are cheaters because they are certainly not.  Many guys are very faithful.

  16. I'd See How Much He'd Want Me Back. If He Showed How Much He Wanted Me I'd Possibly Give Him A Second Chance.

    But Every1 Is Different.


    Just Dnt Let Him Walk All Over Him :)

    Yur Worth More Than That.


    x x x

  17. if my girl cheated on me?

    i would guilt trip the h**l outta her and mess up the guy she did with or mess with his head for sure

    depending on how she acted after i guilt tripped her to see how much she actually cares about us i would either end it or keep it

  18. I'd tell my wife!

  19. break up with him.

    If he actually cared...wouldn't he think..."is an o****m from some floozy more important that losing the one I care about?"

    If his answer to this is Yes; he doesn't care.

    You don't want to be with someone who doesn't care about you.

    A friend of mine and her bf had each cheated on eachother 3 in under a year and a half and I wonder why the h**l they even try? Why waste your time?

  20. Dump his ***.

    That's total disrespect to me and I don't tolerate that.

  21. um...cut his balls off...

    but seriously though, id break up with be so mad id just shout at him..absolutly no trust in the relationship anymore is there? nope..end it

  22. Chuck them! Cant go near them once I know where 'its' been! Yuk

  23. Be single. :)

  24. i wouldn't cheat on my girl

    however i know lads that do. and they'll never change

    the only thing that stops them, is that when there past it and can't get anyone eles.

    it's not that they don't love who they are with. it's like a illness or somthing

  25. leave him

    i dont put up with cheaters

  26. Break up with him on the spot......he's bound to do it again and obviously doesn't have enough respect for you.

    Once, shame on him, twice, shame on you.

  27. first i would scream at him "**** you! its over!"

    cheaters i hate them, even though no ones ever cheated on me ive had lots of close friends be cheated on and it has to be the worst feeling ever

  28. hmmmmm



  29. Honestly, if my boyfriend cheats on me, I'm going to break up with him. If they cheat once, they'll cheat again.

  30. I'd kick him out the door and move on. Trust is so important and I'd never be able to trust him again, maybe that might be more my trust issues, but once he's done that he's lost my trust forever.  

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