
What would you do if your boyfriend was gone for six months while he is training in the navy?

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What would you do if your boyfriend was gone for six months while he is training in the navy?




  1. I'd thank God he wasn't in Iraq for 12-15 like soldiers are.

  2. wait?

  3. Find a Special Forces dude. Much more capable and has shorter deployments along with more pay.  

  4. get a battery powerd friend. or tell him your on the prowl.

  5. Well my boyfriend of almost a year left monday to GA for 4 months for Infantry training for the Army. We'll only get to write each other. This week has been super hard. But while he is gone, I plan to work out and look amazing for him, save money, pay off debt, finish school (my last class will be a week or two before he comes home!). Other then that, I plan to work, and find things to keep my mind busy. I love him a lot and will be here waiting for his return. Support your man. They are working hard!

  6. If that were true, he and I would be g*y so I wouldn't ask and I wouldn't tell.

  7. Amada p gave a good answer. I give her a thumbs up.

  8. I would love him, support him and keep the home fires burning.  And be very grateful that he is not serving in the Middle East for 15 months like soldiers in the Army do.

  9. It sounds a h**l of a lot more horrible then it really is. 6 months sounds and feels like an eternity when it comes to being apart.

    Stick to your friends, they will be your biggest asset on the days you feel you can't bare it, family as well if you have good family support.

    Work. I worked 2 jobs to keep busy and occupied while my husband was away. Not only did it give me tons of money to spend shopping (always makes me feel better) it also took my mind off of things and aloud me access to money for plane tickets and traveling expenses when the 6 months was up and I could see him!

    If your boyfriend has not let yet work out something, a goal if you will, that you can work on while he is away. My husband I were planning on moving in together once the period of time was up so I spent my free time apartment hunting and picking out things for our place. It helped to avoid the situations, like parties, that might lead to something I would regret later.

    The hardest parts of a 6 month separation is the first few weeks and the last few weeks. Everything in between is fairly easy. The first few weeks you'll be adjusting to life without him and depressed a lot. Then start a routine and keep busy. Soon enough you'll look up and see that you've got just a few weeks left till he's home and those few weeks really drag out cause you are so anxious.

    It's tough but survivable. If you really feel lost or depressed turn to the internet. There are plenty of girls in your situation going through the same thing and everyone will listen and cheer you up. The military wives and girlfriends are the biggest support system a girl has in this lifestyle.

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