
What would you do if your child slapped you?

by  |  earlier

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Before you answer, check out this video:

Things get all crazy at about the 1:58 minute mark.




  1. Oh yeah, I saw that!!! Wow. I don't know what I would do. My child would never do that though because I'm going to teach her RESPECT, which that Mom obviously didn't teach her son. He talked to her like she was a dog and she didn't even do or say anything. I would NEVER speak to anyone that way, ESPECIALLY my Parents!!! I would be dead!

  2. i would smack him one back in the face! i would never have lived if i had done that to my mother or father. that's horrendous.

  3. First things first. My kid would never slap me. That just ain't going to happen. If you don't believe me, go ask him. Now . . . assuming the impossible happens (Latin: per impossibile), if my son hit me, he better hope that he has smitten me with lethal force because his behind is mine.

  4. wow, that was almost funny what the heck is wrong with the mom, she created a monster!

  5. i didnt slap my mom, i just pushed her out of the way because i didnt want her b***ing at me. this was last year when i wuz 12. no details, but omg, my bare butt felt it so seriously u cant imagine.

  6. Wow... that makes me never wanna have kids. If I have a kid that crazy someday  he would be out  of my house ASAP and be sent to boot camp or some kinda of home to get him under control.

  7. First off, I think this child has a serious issue that has been prompted by cameras.

    My daughters are in their peak of adolescence with emotions all over the map and I can't think of an argument that went there. Sure I have been told to shut up and how much they think I hate them.

    I think if my daughters (10 and 13) did that, they would loose a layer of skin of their behinds. I wouldn't mess around with that.

    My two cents worth.

  8. This video is dedicated to those who said : i will never spank my kids ! ,well good luck for that ! I remember when i was back home i was around 12 i think i stood in front  of my dad and i yell back at him saying to  him that i won't accept the punishment for something i did and for him to get h**l out of my face !! Oh boy !! I must have lost my mind that day , i am 29 and to this day i am still asking myself what happen to me that day ,cause i knew my dad don't play those c**p and yet i took my chances and oh man the next day   i went to school i just couldn't  even walk  !! HE WENT CRAZY ! if my uncles weren't around i would have been in a grave by now,some people say that your kids will hate you ? bogus ! i love my dad to death and he love me so much  also and i thank him for being a parent ,sometimes you have to correct a child when he is acting up and it's part of being a good parent if you want your kid to become a good human being later on in life not a loser ! and i see loser already with this boy !i never did drugs or drink  and i was a good student,and no i don't beat my kids up but i do spank ,i don't want my kids to be spoiling brats and my kids teachers are always saying to me ,how well behave they are and that it's so rare this days for a kid to be like this , education start early , she spoil the kid let him get away with things cause maybe she never set limit or spank and now look ! In Dr Phil to get help ? It's so sad ! That kid is a future criminal and inmate and my tax dollar will be feeding him , i would have beat the c**p out of him so d**n hard ,that i might have broke my arm, I dare my kids to pull this up ! But not even in my dreams or  their dreams it will happen !  

  9. i would HIT HER *** BACK HARDER!!

  10. One wonders where he learned that from though? In that situation, it wouldn't surprise me if she does slap him when the cameras aren't rolling.

    If one day my child suddenly decided that slapping me was ok, my first instinct would be to slap them back. But i think the best thing to do would be to send them to their room, and not talk to them. Remember that episode of the Simpson's where Bart was caught stealing a video game, and Marge was upset with him, and he got the feeling that she didn't love him anymore? (even though that's not what she was doing). That was the worst punishment for him.

  11. uhm....  that kid has obviously been spoiled rotten his whole life... i would smack him back 20 times harder and yes, TO HURT, at this age and with that attitude i dont see a problem with giving him a good smack... and then i would get him mental help and try to send him to boot camp, no way that would ever fly with me

  12. mouth has dropped to the floor....i would of gave him a reason to cry.

  13. BEAT THE DOG **** OUT OF HIM!!! He got the wrong mama, b/c if it was me he would be dead and I would be in jail. I'm grown and if I even look at my momma wrong she's knock me out! All he needs is to get his *** whopped on a daily basis. Forget time he needs a good old fashion *** whoppin!!!

  14. That disgusts me.A few things a child should never tell his mother to shut-up and how dare he slap her? he needs a good spanking! if i slapped, told my mother or father to shut-up i wouldn't be able to sit down for weeks.

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