
What would you do if your child threw a fit over birthday presents?

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We were at a party today and the little 6 year old boy who was celebrating his birthday threw a fit when he opened his presents and was dissatisfied with what he received. He then stated it was his worst birthday ever. What would you do if your child threw a fit in front of people over the gifts they received and said that?




  1. I would of spanked him and then when we got home, he would be punished..

    I would definitely take away each and every gift and let him learn a hard lesson!!he sounds really spoiled and needs to learn how to be nice when other people give him gifts

  2. i was like that on my party when i was young so the kid was young so make him apologize  and let it be.

  3. First I would make sure that my child had a good nap before a party starts- but if that happened to me I would take the presents and give them back to the people who brought them- and send every one home, then I would take the cake throw it in the trash and clean up the place. I would send my child to his room for a time out and then go into his room and talk with him about that- that is unacceptable and I would never give him a party with friends  until he is old enough to appreciate what we are doing.

  4. i would pull him out of earshot from everyone and tell him that is no way to behave and to be grateful he got anything. I'd also tell him that because he acted this way, i would be more than happy to donate all his gifts to children who would truly appreciate them.

    i would also think twice about giving him another party and look inside myself as to why my child is a rude and behaved that way

  5. Oh wow...I can't imagine one of my kids doing that! I would return all the presents to the people who bought them and after the party, punish the child. That is incredibly disrespectful behavior to who bought the present(s) and very embarassing to the parents of the child.

    That's one crazy


  6. just let them say "you can take this gift and shove it up your ***"

  7. I would take him to the corner and tell him that his friend's mommies spent money on these toys just for him. He should feel great about these nice toys. I would have asked him to tell everyone sorry. Then, I would bring his toys in the middle and let him and his friends play with them so he can see how lucky he is to have all of them. Plus, he could see how his friends would greatly appreciate the toys if he didn't want them. :)

  8. I would put him in her room and said you can come out when you learn how to respect others.

    Until then you are to sit in your room until the party is over.

  9. i would say im sorry im gonna go get the receipt and bring you to the store and let you choose what you want through out the whole store anything you want and then i will buy it for you  

  10. i would tell him that he should be lucky that he even get presents, and take them away until he learns to appreciate it. then if he forgets about them after a while, just sell them.

  11. Personally i would punish the child. Yeah..That's what i would do..

  12. What an ungrateful child. Does he not know his manners and that he should respect and appreciate everything that comes his way???

    I've never been put in this situation before since my 7 year old knows he must be respectful and appreciate everything we do for him. As much as we spoil him, we can take everything away in a second if he misbehaves or acts rude. I wouldn't allow it and he will get punished.

    In that case, if my child did happen to say that in front of everyone, I would make him apologize to those that are in the room, remove him from the party, give him time out. No cake, no TV, no games no nothing. His gifts will end up in the closet and he won't get a chance to see or play with them until I feel he deserves it. I don't tolerate such behaviors in my household so I make sure it doesn't happen repeatedly . Have to solve the problem first hand, if not it will just continue and get worse.

  13. If any of my boys had acted that way he would have had his bottom thoroughly warmed and sent to bed birthday or no birthday.The "unwanted" presents would have been distributed to the guests and he would have been made to apologise to them over the coming days.

    By the time that he had his seventh birthday I would have made sure that he had learned some manners.

  14. First, I would hope that everyone present knows what it's like to have a kid who's having a bad day. I would remove my son from the situation until he was calm and then have him personally apologize to each guest at the party. I would explain to him that people give him gifts out of love & that he hurts their feelings when he rejects the gifts. Not every child responds the same way to various punishments, but I would definitely not let him play with any new presents for a period of time. I might make him donate at least some gifts to a shelter. Finally, I would also personally apologize to the guests & be sure they receive very nice thank you notes from my son.

  15. What a brat. I would give him a time out and not let him open anymore presents. And Im sure other parents there would understand.

  16. That would be the last birthday the boy would ever have. lol  The gifts would be taken away and that would be that!

  17. id spank them, tell him the parties over for him and put him in his room, apologize to all the parents and kids at the party, and let them continue enjoying themselves....  go back up for him in 20 or 30 mins, see if he calmed down, then if he did make him go down and apologize in front of everyone for his bad behavior.

  18. Those presents would be gone. I would take away every single one and NO he wouldn't get them back even after he apologizes. A kid like that doesn't deserve presents. I would have him apologize and then I would ask everyone to leave and if they wanted to they could take the present that they bought back and get their money back. The Birthday party at that time would be over NO cake No nothing for that little brat. Oh yeah and if he didn't straighten up by his next birthday then he would not get that. Yeah people that allow their kids to do that and run the home disgust me.  

  19. Stay calm because this is a very normal behavior children that young have not developed the ability to not be honest. That will come in time that is not to say you do not have a discussion with them. You must not degrade the child you just calmly explain to them why this behavior is not appropriate. The child will feel ashamed on his own even if he does not express it openly.

    When dealing with a child it is always good to try and remember how you felt when you where a child in these type of situations weather you had openly expressed it or not. Most of us have felt the same as he did about his presents.

  20. Lock up all his gifts until he apologizes to each and everyone one of the guests. I'd also tell him that he won't have a birthday party next year, and remind him exactly why he should be so grateful.

  21. I would apologize to the guests, thank them for the gifts, and then, later, I would take away all of his toys and only allow him to play with the presents he recieved. That way, he'd learn to appreciate whatever he's been given. And I wouldn't give him the other toys untill he apologized for what he did.

  22. I would take each gift away from him and not give them back. I would make him personally apologize to each person there, and also write an apology note to each parents at the party! I would also as the parent follow up with an apology to the parents when my child was not around!

  23. At the time, I would be extremely embarassed and ask that he apologize to his guests. Once I got him home, OH BOY, would he be in for it. And NO presents until he could show appreciation.

  24. Take away the presents and lock them away, till this spoiled little kid apologised. I hate kids like that

  25. they should have smacked that little boy upside the head! and then say "sorry my kids a brat, were really sorry about this, but were gonna have to ask everyone to leave" and while theyre doing that, give pack all the presents. and tell him hes not getting a birthday party for 2 years...then stick to it.

    little butthead...

  26. Make him give each one back! Obviously the parents are raising this child to value the wrong things. Probably if sees what it feels to not have anything, he will value the little things.

  27. each child there would get to choose whatever gift he/she wanted until all the gifts were gone, with the ungrateful brat watching. and that would be the last party he'd have.

    of course the brat would be kicking and screaming, so i'd help him kick and scream by a sound spanking. yes i said spank!!!  then we'd get on the phone and call each of his guests and he would apologize for his tantrum.

    kids have got to learn respect, and gratitude because no one except their parents has to give them anything.  if he threw that kind of tantrum at his party, i can imagine how he acts all of the time and he is only 6!!  his parents better get a grip on his behind now, or he is going to be h**l on wheels.

  28. First I would remove him from the party for 10 minutes or so to cool down. I would have him apologize to the guests and explain to him why that was wrong. Then I would have him write thank you/sorry notes(to the extent that he is able to write) to all the party guests prior to letting him play with the toys.

  29. I whould wonder why I hadnt used protection, and divorce my wife leaving the 2 helpless

  30. Say "Ohh..kay" parties over. "You don't want them, there going back to the store you little b*****d"  Then give em good whipping with the belt LOL. Seriously, I can't stand kids which is why I don't have any.  

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