
What would you do if your child told you that a teacher/school worker called you a name?

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Not no cuss word...........what would you do about it?




  1. i would speak to the teacher in front of her boss  but be for that have the child repeat what she  said to her boss  so he already knows what  going on .always have a back up  plan  so she can not say  she  never said this get proof  from other children who may have  heard her .

  2. I would sit down with my child and try to find out exactly what happened.  Sometimes children interpret things differently than they actually happen.  If your child is adamant, then have a quiet word to the person involved.  Don't be angry,  maybe the teacher/social worker meant nothing by it, and your child just didn't hear properly.  The same thing happened with my son.  It's too much of a long story, but he misinterpreted his preschool teacher and came home very upset.  As it turned out, she didn't yell at him, just raised her voice from across the room.  Best of luck  

  3. I'd talk to the principal about it because you know darn well if it was your kid that did it, he'd be in the office!  

  4. Is this a hypothetical question?What exactly was the word the teacher/school worker said? Does your child know the name of the person who said this as your question mentions teacher/school worker? Are you sure that the teacher was talking about you or perhaps someone else? How did your child happen to hear this? I would arrange to talk to the teacher in a non -confrontational manner and ask if he/she could clarify what your child heard.Sometimes a child's perception of the truth  is not the reality .If you feel satisfied with the explanation then drop it.If you feel you are being given a lot of excuses then ask to speak to the principal.Take care.

  5. Talk to the teacher with administration with you. Its not very professional. That's not good for your child, but don't make big fuss if its not bad so teacher doesn't take it out on your child. But that's why you need administrator with your meeting. Then you have something to go back too, if it continues or gets worse. All teachers are not professionals. Good Luck!

  6. I would get as many details from my child as I could.  Make sure to ask them at different times in different ways to make sure the story stays the same.  Sometimes children hear things wrong or something.  So I would want to be sure.  I would then call the principle of the school and ask for a meeting.  Go in and have your child explain what happened to him or her and then request that the teacher be brought in on the meeting.  I am not sure that the teacher could be fired from this though but they may move your child to a different room.  It is also a good idea that someone else mentioned about finding out if any other children heard it or were in the room when it happened.  If so provide those names to the principle.

  7. 3 years ago when me and my friend were in different schools this happened.

    My friend had no friends there because she was foreign.Once when she and her mother went to collect her report card from the principal.

    The mother said "Hi can I have the report card for charlotte please"

    The principal said"Who is charlotte? And then saw my friend and said oh the girl that nobodody likes i should have known.

    Seriously what kind of low life person would say that!

  8. I would tell your child that the teacher was upset that day and he/she meant nothing by it.  Then I will make sure to make an appointment with that teacher and have an one on one conversation about what was said, and why.  If nothing comes out of that meeting take it over his/her head and talk to their supervisor about their unprofessional behavior.

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