
What would you do if your daughter did this?

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Harrased another girl at school, spread rumours that she got expelled, and then go online and create a sn with her full name and send the message: "

I am amy *** and i dont like you. there is no reason. i am going to kill you and get my ******* to come and beat you up and rape you. there is a knife comming your way.

She also made fun of others with the sn and told the principle I came at her and tried to stab her with a pencil.

I filed a police report but NOTHING.

She also said that I had slept with a young teacher and brought this to the principle aswell (untrue)




  1. If you are Amy, then you are talking about yourself in the third person? You did all of that?? If you were my kid, I would send your butt to military school. My husband is a veteran and we get free admission into military schools and I would take full advantage of that program. Amy obviously can not be handled by her parents and needs some kind of intervention before she is living in a jail cell.  


    AHHH!!! I was a little confused there! A restraining order should do the trick because on it you can state where she isn't allowed to go (school) you can also have your mom sue her and her parent's on behalf of you for harrasment. That might stop her. Keep going to the police and keep on it, i promise you that it will get better soon. Good Luck sweetie and sorry for the mistake

  2. That girl needs a serious and I mean SERIOUS butt whoopin'.

  3. Why would she do this??

    you need to report this to the police..

    that is a threat!!

    be careful and let some authority know what is going on..

  4. If she was my daughter I would strip her room of everything but a bed, bedspread, and clothes. Then I would remove TV, computer, iPod, radio priviledges and she would have to do chores all day long and only come out of her room to eat and go to school. And of course get cleaned up and this would go on for a week. Then she would apologise to the person she hurt, to their face. Also apologise to the principal. Write a letter to the girls parents and then she would be off the hook. I don't take bullying lightly (bullied myself).

  5. The girl who did that was seriously disturbed. I'm sure she'll wind up in a loony bin eventually, but in the meantime, as long as people know she was impersonating you, and that it wasn't really you all along, you should be alright. Just avoid her at all costs.

  6. she would be so grounded no computer no phone no nothing school and coming home she would have write a letter telling the principal that what she did was a lie and also wrong. she would have to earn my trust and respect.  

  7. If this is true, your daughter has some major emotional issues to resolve,  or she may have a mental illness. She should see a psychiatrist.  

  8. this girl is playing games with you its not true what she is saying but you should still take it like its going to happen you have to tell the police about this (I know you said you did) tell your principle about what the girl is doing to you if its happening to you at or on school property he/she has to be told about it you also have to talk to your parents about this I am a police officer so I understand this stuff and there is no reason the police have not answered you on your police report something is wrong there you should file another one and if that dont work go to the station and talk to the police cheif himself he should be able to give you some answers  

  9. I have to admit I myself had a rough time with my mom around ages 10-16yrs.My mother had a very difficult time with me as well.Therapy didnt work,meds didnt work either.

    What ended up happening was that she sent me to a residential treatment program.What they do is incredible!!!! It changed my life completely.

    You live at school and they monitor your behavior,group therapy,field trips,a personal councler for checking in with each day(like a big sister type of relationship), monthly evaluations, and home visits on weekends.

    It was very hard for me to adjust to the program, and it tore me apart to be away from home,but it saved my life.

    I hope this was helpful! Good luck!

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