
What would you do if your daughter was raped?

by  |  earlier

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By a 14 year old?

What would be your terms of punishment?




  1. be grounded forever. and not be allowed to attend any entertainment. until he istruly truely sorry. and god has forgived his sins.

  2. i would not be thinking of punishment.  i would be thinking of my daughter.  getting her the best counseling, getting her in therapy, getting her what she needs.  i would focus on taking care of my precious princess, but that's just me.  in terms of the perp, i would probably want the perp to understand the harmful impact of the behavior, seek things like mediation, community service, to help the perp get to a place where he realized it was harmful and would not do it again.  there is treatment for them, too and i would try to make sure he got the best treatment.

  3. if it was actually rape...kill the basterd, but if it was one of those deals where she kinda provoked him(which my daughter is not above pulling c**p like that) then i would go to his parents then the police!

  4. I would near kill him.  

  5. One cannot say. It depends on the circumstances. One might beat him black and blue and make him even ineligible for such acts in future. Some might even forgive.

    But, the daughter has to be taken care of and one has to ensure that she does not suffer in the long run for what had happened.

  6. First I would take her to the Emergency room where they would gather the evidence needed to convict the kid.

    Then I would have her checked for sexually transmitted diseases.

    Then I would get the police involved

    Then I would press charges against the kid

    Then I would prosecute him to the very limits of the law.

    Then he would go to juvey

    Then I would make sure he stayed there  

  7. i'd let her know that i was there for her; then i'd find out who they were and make sure that they won't ever be able to rape anyone ever again and then after he's dead  (i doubt anyone would miss such a disgusting litttle S.O.B) i'll put in a report at the police office

  8. Beat the S**t out of him,then chop of his precious jewels and leave them on the side of the road...=D I'd sleep a lot better at night.=)

  9. report that kid and try to be a better mother cos ill not only blame the kid but blame myself for not taking the right care of my daughter.

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