
What would you do if your family destroyed your future and hope just for the sake of their own benefits?

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And, once you're destroyed, there's no turning back. What would you do guys?




  1. Isn't that EVERY family?!?!?


  2. what would you do if your family destroyed your future,and hope just for the sake of their own benefits?

            answer= i know these kinds of families,it is very hard,do not give up,keep on trying.

                         with god's help ,you can start all over ,one day at a time,take care,all the best.


  3. Your future is in your hands - change it!

  4. So, your family framed you for a crime you didn't commit, then they killed your wife and children?

    Short of that, I can't see how someone else can destroy your future.  Get away from the family, move away, go back to school, get a different job, and fix things yourself.  

    You are in charge of your future, not others.  (Unless the above scenario actually played out.)

  5. Sorry to hear about your hope and your future.  Not knowing anything about what happened to you I would suggest a book or two to go to.

    The first thing to read is the first half of the book "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl.  You can pick up a used copy online for around $2.50.  It is an amazing story from a Holocaust survivor about getting through when everything is taken from you including your name.

    It's a must read.

    Then just remember Carmen's advise from the Sisterhood of the Travelling  Pants 2 "no one can diminish you except yourself"

    On a lighter side it might be a good time for a laugh and watch "City Slickers".  One of the characters in that movie lost everything at the age of 40 and had to move forward.  It's a great movie and its always good to laugh.

    Take inventory of what you do have and who you can count on and remember you can make your own family.  Surround yourself right now with the people in your life that build you up and bring the best out in you.  It is always a good time to pray for strength, for forgiveness, and for the best outcome.   Being able to forgive your family and move on may be the best thing you could do for yourself right now.  It doesn't mean you ever have to trust them again but you do have to move forward.

    Good Luck ( and throw in a good laugh if you can while you're at it ).

  6. create a new future and move on

  7. Not true. You are not destroyed forever, my friend. First pray about your situation.

    Now you should explain more. But i can tell you that your situation may not be as bad as it seems. Talk to your family about your feelings. Let them know that You are hurt and don't appreciate what they've done. They might just have a change of heart.

  8. Not everything revolves around the children.  Your parents are the adults in that household and they too, believe it or not, have a life that is not consumed with thoughts of children OR  how they can destroy their child's future.  

    What happened, did they take away your Wii ?

  9. Get a passport, talk to a travel agent, and never look back...

  10. If I allowed my family to destroy my perceived future, and my hope.  I would get renewed hope and foresee a new future, and  I would make sure I never let them do it again.  No one can destroy my future and my hopes except me, unless I let them.-------If you want to call it a mistake, yes.  No one can take your hopes away.  There are runner's that loose a leg. they work through therapy (VERY hard work) and continue to  run races.  There are also runner's that loose a leg, and give up...which are you?---I say this Respectively, not callously.

  11. Well, somebody got out of the wrong side of the bed!  Your future is what you make of it, those apron strings...they're removable.  You're a better man if you feel pity for them, tip your brim and walk away with your jacket slung over your shoulder into the sunset, never to see them again.  Start your life anew, and vow never to look back but always move forward.

  12. sounds like MY parents!

    i just moved out and started my own life with my fiance.

  13. Look at the good in your life, seek out more good, and roll with it.  If you lose track of whats important then you'll lose it.

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