
What would you do if your fiance had a drug problem(pot) and you gave him NUMEROUS chances to quit and didnt?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 1 yr old little girl at home and my fiance has been battling a pot addiction for a long time. I told him the last time I caught (last 2 times) him that I will leave him. Well, now I did and I have nothing but my apartment (who knows for how long) my daughter, our food, etc. He took the car :( I am having a really hard time because he just isn't letting go and I don't know what to do, I need some outside advice. I am trying so SO SO hard to stand my ground and be strong but it is very hard.





    Well I personally see it as a crutch and promotes a loser mentality.Too often I see people more concerned about hitting the weedstick than doing something proactive.I hate to say it,but your better to move on-I could list personal experiences here but I won't air out dirty laundry,and unlike cigarettes and alcohol,pot is still illegal.

      For every person that says they smoke and they do fine-there is a 1000 users who have nothing to show for themselves.It sounds as if your Fiance falls into the statistic of the 1000 others. Sorry

  2. Pot problem.......OK......just be glad its not a coke problem. weed is ok if you dont blow all your money on it. the man probably needs it to keep sane, and deal with your nagging!!!!

  3. i think it has to do more with him just wanted to do it ...not needing to do it

    really my boyfriend does it ... i dont but i used to and he wont stop... so it doesnt bother me bc i dont have a kid but he tells me he doesnt want to stop because he likes it not cause he cant stop  

  4. I know such thing is not that easy however you should stand firm for the sake of your little girl. Try to convince your fiance in entering rehab center, that would help him in order to go back to his normal track.

  5. be glad its only pot  but its still not good

    if u told him to quit or u 2 are over and he didnt then i would say move on and find some one else who will support u , another option is go threw the court and have him pay child support to u beacese that will help u alot, if he wants to get back together then take him to a rehab center they will help him

  6. my ex boyfriend has been smoking weed since he was 12/13 and he is nearly 20 and has not been able to quit. he stopped for a week and he said to me 'i feel like i've over come it now' and the next day, he was smoking it - says it's cos his friend offer it him and he's not gonna turn down a spliff of someone elses weed down? :| which is the most stupid excuse i've ever heard of! but that is lads for you.

    it's obviously going to be hard if you have been with him a long time and trying to help him through it and you've not succeeded, he has to overcome this on his own and he is the ONLY person who can help himself.

    try and keep yourself occupied, look after your little girl, take her place (i know she is only one) but spend as much time with her as you can, making he smile and laugh and you will not have to think about him and maybe he'll realise that now you've left him, it really is time to change.

    good luck :)

  7. you did the right thing, can you call your family and get money to get a car, you need a job, and a baby sitter. Maybe you can move in with a friend?

    Can you help me?;...

  8. Well for starters, WEED isn't addictive! Second...he shouldn't be doing it anyhow because he's now a father! He needs to grow up. He basically chose a drug over his family. So that shows what kind of person he is. You shouldn't want him back. Stand your ground. Think of your little one.

    And as food and stuff......he has a financal responsiblity for his daughter. CHILD SUPPORT!!

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