
What would you do if your fiance refused to commit to marriage?

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He never asked me to marry him he just wants me to wear a ring to show that Im his. I have left him recently and he sais that he wants me to come home- part time relationship is not for him ,but he wont commit either




  1. Move on! Fast! You will be much better off having someone that loves you and wants the same outward commitment as you. You shouldnt have to chase someone down and "talk them into" being your husband. that is just asking for a failed marriage. As hard as it will be, you will be much happier with someone that has the same wants and desires as you. I know I am and I went thru a similar situation... didn't ever get the ring.. just kept promising. I moved on and found the love of my life! And he loves me and asked me to marry him...  all the mushy stuff. :)

    Do it for your future and happiness. You'll be glad you did.

  2. Just because he gave you a ring doesn't make him your fiance. He needs to ask and you need to accept before you're officially engaged. It sounds to me like he was simply "marking his territory" which is pretty childish to me to be perfectly honest. He doesn't want to commit, but he also doesn't want anyone else to have you. This guy just sounds selfish if you ask me. Let him know that the only way you will come back is if he gives you a full commitment. If he doesn't hold up his end of the bargain, I'd say it's time to move along and find a man who will treat you with respect and give you a ring because he wants to marry you, not so that guys will stay away from you.  

  3. It's really not up to him you know, it should be up to you! If you're happy without marriage then stay, if you really want to be happy tell him that if by next year August you're not married you're moving on to find someone that is capable of giving you what you want. Don't settle.

    People treat you the way you let them.

  4. I would move on.  

  5. If you really love him n he feels the same he will eventually want marriage but if you force the issue its going to make him a very unhappy groom.he will feel like you tied him down. Hes probably not ready to commit yet, It depends if u are prepared to wait n for how long, it would be sad to split up over a piece of paper. I dont need a marriage certificate as I am happy with things as they are.

  6. What are his reasons?  How long have you two been dating?  How long have you been engaged?

    It really depends on how long we've been together, how long we've been engaged, hls reasons for not tying the knot, and other things.

  7. If he won't commit, then he isn't your fiance.

    I would cry, be very upset, move out, and start over. Marriage is a must for me.  

  8. He wants you branded, huh?

    Control is not love (which he seems to have) and the lack of commitment isn't love either.  Love is responsible...freely choosing to give, freely choosing to receive.

  9. I would be happy if I could get a ring on my finger! Without marriage!  If he doesn't want to marry that's fine as long as you have some commitment you can both agree on.  

  10. I would leave, if he never wanted to commit to marriage. But we don't know how important marriage is to you.  

  11. Sounds like you are on different pages when it comes to a commitment. I suggest moving on. Let go and move forward with someone that truly wants that same thing as you. I wouldn't push it with him. Nothing is worse then trying to force the man to marry you. I guarantee it will end in divorce. Not good. Just go your seperate ways. He is just playing you.  

  12. ask him the reasons why not, some people just dont belive in marriage, and for them the engagement is the comitment

    so talk to him and see what his reason is, he migth have reasons he dont want marriage, in these days some people dont for so many reasons (but still can commit to living their lives togheter)

  13. Some guys don't commit. It's that simple. Yet, they want everyone else to know you're theirs. It's called abuse, and your boyfriend/whatever is abusive. You should ask him to see a counselor, maybe something happened to him early in life that prevents him from doing certain things.

  14. wow... do you seriously have to ask what you should do?

    you should give him the ring back and push him completely out of your life.  

  15. He is not your fiancee then. Engagement is a promise to commit to marry. I would end up leaving him if I were in your position.

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