
What would you do if your friend had this happen to her while having her baby?

by  |  earlier

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Ok My best friend is having her baby right now as we speak! I had to go to work but my boyfriend is sitting at the hospital with her! Now Last night her water broke and the babies father was no where to be found! My boyfriend is very close friends with her boyfriend, anyways he new where he was, so last night I drove 1:45 min away from the hospital to go and find this piece of c**p. He left her knowing that she was five days over due and didn't call or anything. SO I finally get to the house that he is at and my boyfriend told me to stay in the car, but I had to go pee so I got out walked into the house and their laid my best friends kids dad right their out in the open but naked with this other chick. What the h**l do I do now???? Do I tell her that he man is shacked up in the house with some stupid home recking w***e while my boyfriend is with her comforting her or do I hide it from her. I didn't tell her now just cause I don't want her to get upset but I hink she needs to know what he was doing while she was having the baby and it is her first! What and how the heck to I tell her that and with out upsetting her so much to where she makes a bad chioce and kills him what do I do any ideas could help please lost here I love her and dont want her feeling to be crush not now not right after she had a baby.




  1. tell her........ you may have to wait a while to do so but she needs to know! thats very unfair to her if u dnt. i mean wouldnt u want to no.?  then if she decidez to stay with him thats on her. but if u think she may kill him then u may want some po-po around when u do. lol but i think its only fair.

  2. I'm sure your friend is aware of the creep her baby's father is. If getting ready to deliver their baby ALONE or at least without his presence isn't proof enough, I'm sure in the next following days and weeks she'll realize and if not then that's her business. I wouldn't say anything about what you saw until she comes to the conclusion that he wasn't there with her during the baby's birth because he was with someone else.  

  3. Your an awesome friend for you and your bf being their thru the hospital stay!

    Most women are really emotional after having a child.  I wouldn't mention anything to her.  Hopefully she will realize what a loser he is for not being at the hospital with her!  If he starts giving her excuses as to why he wasn't there (work, no vehicle to travel, no-one told him,  etc.) and she believes him, then you should say something.

    You should have snapped a photo of him laying there!  I can't believe a guy would actually be that pathetic and not want to take any responsibility!

    Your friend is going to need you a lot at this time!  Best of luck to you and the new mom!  Keep her focused on the health of her new one and all the love the baby will have!

  4. Don't tell her now!!! Are you crazy?

    She probably is well aware of what a douche he is, but anyway, this is no time to traumatize her. Do it later.

  5. oh my god this is horrible. Maybe what you should do is wait like a week or so, during this time tell your friends boyfriend to tell your friend himself. If he doesnt tell her by this time just go out to eat or just sit down with her and tell her, but make sure to tel her as calmly as you can and maybe just tell her that you are there for her and that she could stay at your house just give her comfort, because if she stays with this guy he could hurt her in the long run and her baby as well.

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