
What would you do if your hawker food has a dead baby lizard in it?

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What would you do if your hawker food has a dead baby lizard in it?




  1. Fish it out and demand a replacement meal. It is only fair that I get compensated for something that I can eat.

  2. Did you order something with lizard in it? Lizard can be good if you cook it right. I had some iguana once in Brazil and it was actually quite tasty.

  3. Probably vomit.

  4. See, Yahoo Answers *CAN* teach me something.

    I had no idea what "Hawker Food" was until I saw this question, which in turn forced me to look it up. :)

    I would probably get sick first, and then angry second.

    I hate saying it, but in the U.S. you could probably sue for that lack of cleanliness.

  5. blackmail the hawker for $compensations

  6. Call the "Teh Gu",  inform the press, New paper, Sin Ming & Wan Bao.

  7. finish the food.

  8. My face will turn blue and faint right at the spot.

  9. bring the whole plate to the stall owner, and demand for a refund and froget about it.

  10. i would be so grossed out i would probably complain to the Ministry of Health or something. And tell all my friends about it.

  11. Depends if the lizard was intentional or not. In Singapore, I've seen plenty of exotic flora and fauna -  some alive, some not - in hawker food. So make sure it wasn't a topping or something added to increase the taste or crunchiness of your meal.

    Personally, I'm a vegetarian, so my reaction would be rather visceral.

  12. send mms of the lizard to the relevant authority ASAP.

  13. it's really gross!

  14. bring the foods back to the stall and ask to be replaced a new plate, make sure he washes his wok. :)

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